SABV240 Social Exclusion and Inclusive Practices in Social Work
Course description for academic year 2024/2025
Contents and structure
In the last decades there have been worldwide rapid changes in societies. Increasing mobility and global differences in political, social and economic factors influence the living conditions and thereby the social challenges in various parts of the world. Migration and refugees are, for example, a result of these differences Europe as continent has experienced in the last decades. The situation between specific groups, religions, age generations, sexual orientations, etc. leads to marginalization or discrimination of people and makes life in our societies tensed and complex. This development has implications for the field of social work and for the framework and the role of professionals. For social workers it is important to be able to understand what is going on in our societies in order to support people who are marginalized.
In this course the concept of ‘intersectionality’ will be used as a critical analytic tool to help to understand social exclusion and discrimination and to address anti-oppressive social work. The intersectional approach focuses on the complexity of gender, sexuality, class, age, ethnicity and race.
For social workers it is important to understand those concepts to be able to support potential clients or groups of clients in an anti oppressive way. The methodical approach to do this in a constructive way will be another important element in this course.
Within an online learning environment, social workers living and working in very different situations will have the opportunity to learn from each other and to share information and knowledge important for their work with their clients. A global perspective on Social Work is important for professional social workers directly involved with clients from different parts of the world and with different identities. It is also important for bachelor and postgraduate students who will need an international perspective on social work for their future career.
The aim of social workers is to support and empower people and in that way contribute to an inclusive society. But in practice social workers can be oppressive and therefore exclude people/groups. In this course students learn to look critically to the way they put methods and theories in practice. This module will allow the student to understand commonalities and differences in terms of how societies exclude certain (groups of) people and the way social work theories and methods are suitable to deal with questions concerning discrimination;
Part of the course is a video case that allows students to put theory into practice. Because this course is open to an international student group, it offers the participants the possibility to compare practice in social work in different countries.
The understanding and discussion of ethical dilemmas will be part of the contents of the course.n their own.
Learning Outcome
A student who has completed the course should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:
Knowledge: The student...
- knows how to describe, analyze and compare commonalities and differences in terms of how societies exclude certain (groups of) people.
- knows about social challenges in regard to discrimination and how to deal with them can vary within countries and professional contexts.
- knows the way social work theories and methods are suitable to deal with questions concerning discrimination, social exclusion and inclusion.
- knows how to integrate the intersectional approach in a social work context.
- knows about anti-oppressive practice and its implication for social intervention.
- has knowledge about comparative methods.
Skills: The student...
- can apply comparative methods and present an overview of commonalities and differences related to the legal and social policy framework for social work in different countries.
- can apply the intersectional and anti-oppressive approaches to work with clients in a constructive way promoting inclusiveness..
- can collect, assess, analyse and present data related to social work issues in an international context.
- can analyze and understand how their own values and norms influence the way they act.
General Competences: The student...
- can deal with ethical dilemmas that may arise during social interventions.
- can work together with students and teachers from other countries in a virtual classroom.
- can give and share information about their own country when tackling social challenges and interventions.
- can reflect upon his/her own learning process during the course and relate this to professional development.
Entry requirements
All subjects from the 1st year of study must be passed.
Teaching methods
Throughout the study program students will work with a case oriented focus, and by solving tasks they will reflect on situations concerning Anti Oppressive Approach from a social work perspective and compare with the situation in other countries. Students will work both individually and in groups.
The course will start with an introduction to the e-learning platform and the virtual classroom, and the students will be acquainted with the international group of students and teachers they will be working with. Every week students will receive new learning material and new tasks to work on, both individually and in group. The tasks are related to the objectives of the course. Students who deliver their tasks on time during the program receive feedback and guidance from the teacher. Students have to enter the classroom at least three times a week. Online conferences among students and teachers are arranged during the study period.
All elements in the course will be organized and administered through a common learning management system.
Compulsory learning activities
The following compulsory work requirements must be approved for students to take the exam:
- Portfolio assignments
The student will deliver written assignments throughout the course. When assignments are delivered in time, the students will receive feedback and have an opportunity to improve their initial work.
All assignments must be completed and submitted to the online e-portfolio before the deadline.
Approved work requirements are valid for 4 semesters.
Portfolio assessment;
- Written assignment, 1500 words +/- 10%
- Written assignment, 1000 words +/- 10%
- Written assignment, 1500 words +/- 10%
- Written assignment, including reflection paper, 1000 words +/- 10%
Information about which tasks students are required to deliver for the final assessment/presentation portfolio will be given to students approximately two weeks before the final exam.
Grading scale Final marks from A-F (F means not approved)
New exam If the student fail the exam, the student can rewrite the paper for re-exam
Examination support material
More about examination support materialCourse reductions
- BSO214B - Module 2 - Social exclusion and inclusive practices in social work - Reduction: 10 studypoints