How to appeal an exam result

Grading and credit system

Justification of grade

You can request a justification of your grade within one week after the exam results have been published. The justification should normally be given to you within too weeks upon your request.

You ask for justification of grade in Studentweb.

When the examination is oral, claims for justification must be put forward immediately after the grade is announced. Contact the examinator directly.

Appeal the exam result

You can challenge the result of all written examinations if you think it's wrong. You cannot submit an appeal against the grades of oral or practical examinations, since the performance is not documented for future purposes. The deadline for appealing an exam result is three weeks after the results have been published, or three weeks after you have received an explanation of your grade.

If you appeal an exam result, the grade will be reset and sent for re-grading by new examiners. Please note that if you appeal an exam result, the new grade might be better, worse or the same as the first grade. The re-graded result is final and you cannot submit an appeal against it.

The complaints commissions handle many complaints, and most of the complaints come during periods of holidays. You must therefore normally expect between 3 - 12 weeks processing time and in special cases it may take longer.

You appeal your exam result in Studentweb.

Complaints about procedural exam errors

You can submit a complaint about procedural examination errors. Procedural errors can occur for instance in the examination question papers, in conducting the examination or during grading. Send your complaint to