Covid-19 measures are continued

HVL extends corona measures up to and including Sunday 24 January. This applies to you who are a student or employee at HVL.

The government has decided that all teaching at colleges and universities will be digital through Tuesday 19 January. This is to reduce the infection rate. The signals from the Government are that the national measures can be extended.

HVL has chosen to extend our current measures up to and including Sunday 24 January.

“We do this to give students and employees predictability”, says rector Gunnar Yttri.

This applies to all HVL's five campuses through Sunday 24 January:

  • Teaching that can go digital must be digital. Skills training, simulation and laboratory exercises will be carried out in some subjects.
  • As of Thursday 19 January, there is a requirement for attendance for students who are to participate in compulsory learning activity that is to be completed.
  • All practice is carried out as planned.
  • The campuses are open to students and staff. Libraries, reading rooms and group rooms are available for those who need this.
  • All employees who can work from home must do this.

Students and staff will receive further information in Canvas and from their tenants about what activity will be carried out up to and including Sunday 24 January. You can also find more comprehensive information on the internet and

Here you can read HVL's guidelines for infection control.

The rector thanks staff and students

Rector Yttri says he is impressed with how students and staff handle the situation.

“The way they have faced the corona pandemic is impressive. Things change quickly and we have to turn around and adapt. It is demanding and we have been in it for a long time. I would therefore like to thank both staff and students for their efforts so far”, he says.

“We have also registered that a good part of our students have returned to our various campuses in January, and they are in the process of studying. This is nice for me to see.”

“We know that many have had to study alone without fellow students in the last year. I know it's been very tough. Many employees also express that it is demanding to have a home office over a longer period of time. And on the basis of the pandemic, some have put important tasks such as research and development work on hold.”

“We all miss the physical community. I therefore look forward to seeing our campuses filled with life and stir again. The vaccination program and the change of seasons give room for optimism and brighter prospects.”

“I would also like to thank our partners in municipalities, counties and the state along the whole of Western Norway, health enterprises and businesses. Thank you for the cooperation and dialogue in a demanding time.”