Accommodation in Bergen

Exchange students

Full semester exchange students (5-6 months)

As an exchange student, you will get accommodation guarantee through the student welfare organization Sammen if you apply within the deadline. 

Application deadlines for accommodation with housing guarantee:

  • 15th of May for the autumn semester
  • 1st of November for the spring semester

Here you will find information about housing guarantee and how to apply.

Do not apply until you have received information from HVL regarding the application process. You will receive this via email before the application deadline. It is important that you apply to the correct “queue” to get the housing guarantee. The email from HVL will specify this so we can be sure that you apply for the correct type of housing near the correct campus.

Information about the different accommodation options.

Half semester exchange students (2-3 months)

NB! Accommodation for a half semester is only available through the welfare organisation (Sammen) during the spring semester and according to capacity

Application deadline for accommodation without the housing guarantee :

  • December for spring semester 

After you have registered your application it is important that you contact Sammen with information about the dates of your stay. If not, you will receive a contract for a full semester.

Please read more about the accommodation and how to apply on Sammen's web pages.

Full degree students

Application deadlines for accommodation without housing guarantee: 15th of April

Information about housing from Sammen

Information about the different accommodation options

Bergen Hostel Montana

For students that are staying for a shorter period than one semester (less than 5 months) we recommend applying for housing at Montana Hostel Bergen. 

To apply you must send them an email. Please remember to inform that you will be an exchange student at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL). Students at HVL get reduced prices.

Haukelandsbakken Student Hostel

Haukelandsbakken Student Hostel is located close to Haukeland University Hospital. They prefer students to stay for one year, so it is not easy to get a room for 1 – 5 months. It might be easier during the spring semester, from January/February.

Other options for short-term stays