Fadder programme in Førde

Have an excellent start to your time at Campus Førde by joining our Fadder programme and participating in events, activities and social gatherings throughout the Fadder week. The 2024 Fadder week will be held August 12-18.

All Fadder events will be in Norwegian.

The Fadder week 2024 schedule in Førde

Monday, August 12th

As a new full degree student, you will be placed in a Fadder group when you arrive on campus. 

Later in the afternoon, there will be a bus trip to a non-alcoholic event at Kråkenesmarka, where we will drive GoKarts and have a snack. Some will leave campus by bus at 14.30 (2.30 p.m), while others will leave by bus at 16.40.

There will also be Fadder group activities later in the evening.

Tuesday, August 13th

09.00: Student breakfast for new students in the canteen. Information about student welfare and life as a student.

15.00: Volleyball tournament and barbecue on campus

21.00: Theme party at Førdehuset

Wednesday, August 14th

16.00: Rafting from the volleyball court on campus to the city centre

20.00: Quiz on Akutten

Thursday, August 15th

15.00: Bar to bar in the center of Førde

Friday, August 16th

15.00: Climbing

20.00: White lies on Akutten

Saturday, August 17th

15.00: Mountain hike to cabin at Viefjellet

Concert at Larris, Sunnfjord Hotel