Hunter Nathaniel Ratliff
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Field of work


Radiation detection, Radiation transport simulation, Data analysis


About me

I graduated with a PhD in nuclear engineering at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville in December 2018, spent two and a half years as a postdoc in the PHITS development team at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency’s Nuclear Science and Engineering Center, and am presently a postdoctoral fellow/researcher at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Here at HVL, I am working on the development, analysis, and deployment of a prototype radiation detector that seeks to more precisely determine dose depositions delivered in proton radiotherapy treatments to then allow for sparing of more healthy tissue surrounding the sites receiving treatment.

At JAEA I was the lead developer of the DCHAIN-PHITS activation, buildup, burnup, and decay code which is coupled to and distributed with PHITS.


Research group at HVL

Neutron and gamma-ray imaging for real-time range verification and image guidance in particle therapy (NOVO)

More about the NOVO project and group:


My personal website: ​​​​​​​

