Associate Professor

Elin Thoresen

Field of work

Early Childhood Teacher Education

Pedagogical Leadership in Early Childhood Education

Arts in Early Childhood Education

Play and Drama in Early Childhood Education

Courses taught

Art, Culture and Creativity

Arts in Early Childhood Education

Pedagogical Leadership

Drama - theory and practice

Play and Drama in Early Childhood Education

Research areas

Pedagogical Leadership in Early Childhood Education

Art Pedagogy for professional development in Early Childhood Education

Play and Drama in Early Childhood Education

Research groups

​​​​​​​Drama in Education and Societal Contexts: Drama i Utdannings- og Samfunnskontekster (DUSK) - Høgskulen på Vestlandet (

Culture – Criticism – Community: Culture – Criticism – Community - Høgskulen på Vestlandet ( 


  • Children as co-creators - creative and interactive processes in the making of play spaces

    Thoresen, Elin, Bernsen, Anette Sofie (2023)
  • Grounded Theory Research - paradigms and possibilities

    Thoresen, Elin (2022)
  • I rommet mellom Kunst og Pedagogikk

    Pettersen, John Roald, Thoresen, Elin (2020)
  • Partnerskap - Fra to barnehager til en - organisasjonskultur - lærende organisasjon - verdier

    Ryland, Lill Krestin, Thoresen, Elin (2019)
  • Kunstpedagogisk utviklingsarbeid i barnehagen

    Thoresen, Elin (2019)
  • Virker du? - den lekende pedagogen

    Thoresen, Elin (2019)
  • Forord

    Møen, Inger-Lisa, Thoresen, Elin (2019)
  • Innledning - om bokens innhold

    Møen, Inger-Lisa, Thoresen, Elin (2019)
  • Fra musikk til språk i barnehagen

    Møen, Inger-Lisa, Thoresen, Elin (2019)
  • Kunstpedagogisk utviklingsarbeid i barnehagen

    Møen, Inger-Lisa, Thoresen, Elin (2019)
  • Flerfaglige vurderingsformer i barnehagelærerutdanningen - erfaringer og aktuelle utfordringer.

    Møen, Inger-Lisa, Thoresen, Elin (2019)
  • De estetiske fagenes posisjon i barnehagelærerutdanningen – muligheter og utfordringer: «Lekende voksne i barnehagen»

    Thoresen, Elin (2019)
  • Våg å leke med barna

    Sund, Steinar, Thoresen, Elin (2018)
  • Slik kan dere bli bedre sammen

    Thoresen, Elin (2018)
  • Do you work? -how Kindergarten Teachers function in sociodramatic play interactions

    Thoresen, Elin (2018)
  • Den lekende læreren, - medierende barnehagelærere i barns sosiodramatiske lek.

    Thoresen, Elin (2018)
  • Å øve seg på musikk gjennom utviklingsarbeid om språkstimulering i barnehagen

    Møen, Inger-Lisa, Thoresen, Elin (2018)
  • Fra musikk til språk - utviklingsarbeid som setter spor i barnehagen

    Møen, Inger-Lisa, Thoresen, Elin (2017)
  • Kindergarten Teachers as mediators in sociodramatic play interaction.

    Thoresen, Elin (2017)
  • Try it With Music! - Lingual Development through Music Activities in Norwegian Kindergartens

    Møen, Inger-Lisa, Thoresen, Elin (2015)
  • Of sound Mind and Matter - creating, sustaining and identifying aesthetic form within framed dramatic play

    Thoresen, Elin (2009)
  • Of Sound Mind and Matter : creating, sustaining and identifying aesthetic form within framed dramatic play

    Thoresen, Elin (2009)
  • Of sound Mind and Matter – creating, sustaining and identifying aesthetic form within dramatic play

    Thoresen, Elin (2009)
  • Of sound Mind and Matter – creating, sustaining and identifying aesthetic form within framed dramatic play

    Thoresen, Elin (2009)