Professor emeritus

Hans Jacob Roald

Field of work

Area of work and expertise
I was employed as a lecturer in urban planning at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the University of Western Norway in 2018 in connection with the establishment of a master's in land and real estate.
I have a degree as civil architect at Norwegian Technical Highschool 1976 and a master in urbanism at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design in 2004. In addition, I have completed the course Samplan arranged by the Ministry of the Environment in 1991, and fulfilled a course in Philosophy of Aesthetic and Philosophy of Science at the University of Bergen in 1994, as well as Coaching, at the Innland Norway University of Applied Sciences in 2010.
I have extensive professional experience as an architect in the architecture group Cubus (1976-86), as senior architect Bergen municipality (BK) (1987-92), chief / senior architect BK (1992-96, 1999-2000 and 2010-2018), senior advisor Nordic World Heritage Office – UNESCO (1996-99 and 2000-01), project leader for a Master Plan on urban development and conservation, Municipality of Oslo (2001-05) and head of the planning department Municipality of Fjell (2005-10).
My most important works as an architect are zoning plans for the renewal of the central parts of Bergen (Stølen-Ladegården Rothaugen), conservation of a group of listed wooden houses in the central parts of Bergen, and design of new recidental areas in Bergen (Sandalen / Sædalen) and in Ålesund (Arnahjellen), both about 50 units.
As public servant in the municipality of Bergen I have been in charge of plan for protection and urban design for the city center, a harbor plan, strategic plan for housing and framework for renewal of the public spaces (1992-96). I was in charge of a strategy for urban development and preservation for the inner zone of Oslo (2005). I the municipality of Fjell outside Bergen I had the responsibility for a revision of the municipal plan, planning program and zoning plan for the new regional center at Straume and planning program for a new national communication network between Bergen and Fjell municipalities. I have also been in charge of developing a GiS based strategy for densification for the central parts of Bergen central parts and a strategy for how to implement densification in established urban structures with focus on legal and economic tools in collaboration with Berit Nordahl OsloMet (2018). Both of the latter have been financed by the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.
I have written the books:
Sustainable Historic Cities, a North-European Approach, Nordic World Heritage Office, UNESCO, 2000 ISBN 82-7950-027-8
BYPLANEN – A history of the development of Bergen city, Scandinavian Academic Press, c/o Spartacus academic press, 2010 and 2014 ISBN 978-82-304-0052-4
I have contributed to the following awards:
Bergen Architects Association's honorary award, as a member of the architect group Cubus, at the celebration of the association's 75th anniversary in 1984
The brick construction award in 1989 for the site Birkebeinergaten, in collaboration with arch. Bertram D. Brockmann in Cubus A.L. 1989
Housing and town planning award 1994, received on behalf of Bergen municipality for the turnaround of Bergen city center
Norsk Form's honorary award 1995, received on behalf of Bergen municipality
Statement of the Year 1997, honorable mention Norwegian Architects National Association, for the article "Architectural criticism - thank you", Morgenbladet
Housing and town planning award 2016, laid the urban planning foundation for the development of Straume center (the award was presented to Fjell municipality and Sartor Holding)

Courses taught

MOA 252 Site analyses and sustainable development 

Research areas
  • Urban site analyses
  • City planning history
  • Tool for implementing urban preservation and development


  • Rapport fra studietur Antwerpen Ghent

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2024)
  • Film: En anna stad. Har vi mistet troen på at vakre omgivelser kan gjøre oss til bedre mennesker?

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2024)
  • Hvordan GIS-baserte analyser kan gi nyttig kunnskap til krevende planprosesser for fortetting

    Roald, Hans Jacob, Andresen, Trygve, de Koning, Remco Elric, van Nes, Akkelies (2023)
  • Byplanhistorie frem til år 2000

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2023)
  • Program og faglig guidning studietur Ghent og Antwerpen

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2022)
  • Bergen sentrum, en blomstrende by eller kroken på døra

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2022)
  • Byplanlegging får stigende oppmerksomhet ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2022)
  • Nøden i Venedig

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2022)
  • Om byplaner og podcaster

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2022)
  • Smarte strategier

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2021)
  • Er dagens støykrav forenelelig med rådende fortettingspolitikk?

    Roald, Hans Jacob, Fanghol, Bendik, Vågane, Anders (2021)
  • Boliger for alle: Et tidsskille i norsk boligpolitikk

    Reksten, Connie Harriet Kapstad, Roald, Hans Jacob, Ahmer, Carolyn, Bjelland, Anne Sofie Handal, Dyrkolbotn, Sjur Kristoffer, Lyng, Ane Margrethe (2021)
  • Podcast serie BYPLANER i Bergen

    Bjelland, Anne Sofie Handal, Roald, Hans Jacob (2020)
  • A Scientific Approach to the Densification Debate in Bergen Centre in Norway

    de Koning, Remco Elric, Roald, Hans Jacob, van Nes, Akkelies (2020)
  • Om levekår og områdekvaliteter

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2020)
  • Om Bergen byplans historie - De første 800 årene

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2020)
  • Fra plan til gjennomføring. Byvekst gjennom fortetting

    Nordahl, Berit Irene, Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • Drivkrefter i byutviklingen

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • Urban transformation in Bergen in a long term perspective

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • Hvordan skape gode bomiljø i fortettings- og transformasjonsområder?

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • Rehabilitering med bismak

    Roald, Hans Jacob, Kiran, Ketil (2019)
  • Drivkrefter i byutviklingen fra før-statlig og før-demokratisk tid frem til i dag, med spesielt fokus på samspill / spenning mellom stat og by.

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • How children use urban space in two different neighbourhoods in Bergen, Norway

    Meinert, Magnus, Thomassen, S.T., van Nes, Akkelies, Roald, Hans Jacob, Skovsgaard, Tanja Lindgaard (2019)
  • Vil modernistisk arkitektur noen gang bli elsket?

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • Om master i areal og eiendom ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • Fortetting og virkemiddelbruk i et historisk perspektiv

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • A knowledge driven approach to urban transformation: Densification strategy of Bergen, Norway

    Roald, Hans Jacob, de Koning, Remco Elric (2019)
  • Fortetting og levekårsutfordringer

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • Hvorfor er støyen rundt bompenger i Bergen så høy?

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • Pregløst, slapt og helt uten ambisjoner (avisens egen overskrift)

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • Bærekraftig by og studenter som endringsagenter

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2019)
  • Om virkemiddelbruk knyttet til byforming. Funn og anbefalinger knyttet til evaluering av fem caser som representerer ulike steder og tidsepoker.

    Roald, Hans Jacob, Nordahl, Berit Irene (2019)
  • Valgene fra fortiden preger fortsatt veiene

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2018)
  • Byutvikling i Bergen - tradisjoner og utfordringer

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2017)
  • Kan en god by planlegges?

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2017)
  • Strategies For Integrated Densification With Urban Qualities. Combining Space Syntax With Building Density, Land Use, Public Transport And Property Rights In Bergen City.

    de Koning, Remco Elric, van Nes, Akkelies, Roald, Hans Jacob, Ye, Yu (2017)
  • Strategies for integrated densification with urban qualities. Combining Space Syntax with building density, land usage, public transport and property rights in Bergen city

    van_Nes, Akkelies, de Koning, Remco Elric, Ye, Yu, Roald, Hans Jacob (2017)
  • Strategies For Integrated Densification With Urban Qualities. Combining Space Syntax With Building Density, Land Use, Public Transport And Property Rights In Bergen City.

    de Koning, Remco Elric, van Nes, Akkelies, Roald, Hans Jacob, Ye, Yu (2017)
  • Hve kjennetegner en god planprosess?

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2017)
  • Bergens særpreg, et tveegget sverd

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2017)
  • Kan planlegging bidra til bedre arkitektur?

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2016)
  • Skisse til metode for fortetting i bergens sentrale deler

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2016)
  • Sentrumsplanen av 1916 - et høydepunkt i bergensk og norsk byplanlegging

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2016)
  • Sentrumsplanen av 1916 - et høydepunkt i bergensk og norsk byplanlegging

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2015)
  • Klimautfordringer og geomatikk

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2015)
  • Utfordringer for byutviklingen i Bergen

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2015)
  • Utvikling av Nordhavnen i København, mål, prosess, virkemidler og dilemmaer

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2015)
  • Sandviken i Bergen, utfordringer i fortidens og fremtidens byutvikling

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2015)
  • Presentasjon av Arkitekturguide Bergen 2014

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2015)
  • Fra tett til fortynning til fortetting

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2014)
  • Arkitekturguide Bergen 2014

    Røyrane, Eva, Nyberg, Jan, Roald, Hans Jacob, Valen, Tor Helge, Ahmer, Carolyn, Blanc, Celine (2014)
  • Om utfordringer i dagens byutvikling sett i et historisk perspektiv

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2014)
  • Tett, høyere, høyest, om den nye kompaktbystrategien

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2014)
  • Slik ble Universitetet i Bergen et by-universitet

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2014)
  • New York, byplanhistorie og hvordan møte klimautfordringene

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2013)
  • BYPLANEN En historie om utviklingen av Bergen by

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2010)
  • Straumebyen

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2009)
  • Ny by i Strilelandet utenfor Bergen

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2008)
  • Urban Development and Heritage Protection, to Balance or to Compete

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2005)
  • Fremtid med fortid. Kommunedelplan for byutvikling og bevaring i indre Oslo 2005 - 2020, hovedrapport.

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2005)
  • Master Theses on Urbanism. To discuss relationships or possible relationships between sustainable and urban Development With special focus on historic and World Heritage cities

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2002)
  • Report on the Strategy of the Nordic Countires regarding proposals for World Heritage Listing

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2001)
  • Sustainable Historic Cities? A Baltic - Nordic Approach

    Roald, Hans Jacob (2000)