Associate Professor

Adam Cziboly

Field of work

Drama teacher, psychologist and cultural manager.

He was the project leader of several dozen international projects in the field of Drama/Theatre in Education.

He initiated and led the research project DICE with the participation of 12 countries, the first in-depth research into the impact of drama and theatre education methods on Lisbon key competencies.

He was the lead author of two key Hungarian handbooks on Theatre in Education and Theatre Pedagogy.

Courses taught
  • Master in Arts Education
  • Drama and Applied Theatre BA
  • Teacher training
Research areas
  • Theatre in Education, classroom theatre
  • Drama in education, process drama
  • Theatre Pedagogy
  • Applied Theatre
Research groups


  • Hogyan változott a magyarországi színházi nevelési és színházpedagógiai nagykép egy évtized alatt?

    Cziboly, Adam (2024)
  • Drama and Applied Theatre in Norway

    Cziboly, Adam (2023)
  • Results of the national mapping of educational theatre and theatre pedagogy programmes in 2023

    Cziboly, Adam (2023)
  • Addressing bullying with process drama. Workshop series

    Cziboly, Adam (2023)
  • Learning patterns and risks in distance learning during the COVID-19 lockdown – the pupils’ perspective in drama pedagogy-based focus groups

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Ádám, Németh, Szilvia, Rajnai, Richárd (2023)
  • Editorial

    Allern, Tor-Helge, Cziboly, Adam, Gong, Baorong (2022)
  • Exploring ancient Greek dramas and mythologies with Drama in Education

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2022)
  • Addressing gender-based violence with Drama in Education

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2022)
  • From fairy tale to action: exploring fairy tales with Drama in Education

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2022)
  • Norway Country Report

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • Gender-based violence and drama education

    Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • DICE 2008 – 2011

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • Káva 25 - Rólunk

    Cziboly, Adam, Balassa, Zsofia, Jaszay, Tamas (2022)
  • KIS LÉPÉSEKBEN ELŐRE (Small steps forward)

    Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Cziboly, Adam, Fabian, Gabor, Garai, Judit, Golden, Dániel, Milovits, Hanna (2022)
  • comment duel

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • I am Malala

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • «TELAVÅG» Av Stig Amdam Det Vestnorske Teateret Bergen 2022 «Frå tekst til teater» Undervisningsforløp for 10. trinn og vgs

    Folkedal, Silje Birgitte, Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • Editorial

    Allern, Tor-Helge, Cziboly, Adam, Baorong, Gong (2022)
  • What can the translation of key terms reveal about the understandings of drama education in China?

    Zheng, Sisi, Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • SITE A#9 Online Process Drama during/after Covid-19

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • A drama-based examination of Hungarian kindergarteners’ activities, knowledge & attitudes relating to digital communication

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • Antigone: a project to address gender-based violence with drama

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Lyngstad, Mette Bøe, Folkedal, Silje Birgitte, Eriksson, Stig Audun (2022)
  • Exploring the possibility of designing process dramas for online platforms

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2022)
  • A Drama Centred Approach to Genderbased Violence. Teacher’s Handbook. Antigone Project.

    Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Cziboly, Adam, Mörner, Ninna (2022)
  • Is This Art or Vandalism?: An Online Process Drama

    Cziboly, Adam (2022)
  • The influence of the "conventions approach" on the practice of drama in different cultures

    Cziboly, Adam, Lyngstad, Mette Bøe, Zheng, Sisi (2022)
  • ILSA in Arts Education: The Effect of Drama on Competences

    Gjærum, Rikke Gürgens, Cziboly, Adam, Eriksson, Stig Audun (2022)
  • How does onlineization transform participation? - round table discussion moderation

    Cziboly, Adam (2021)
  • Drama/Theatre Pedagogy In Education - A Golden Bridge Between Normalities

    Milosavljević, Sunčica, Cziboly, Adam, Mojca, Redjko, Kržanić Tepavac, Diana, Mitranić, Nevena (2021)
  • Qualitative "Digimini" pilot research aimed at exploring the activities, knowledge, ideas and attitudes of preschoolers related to digital devices and communication

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Ádám, Julcsi, Szabó (2021)
  • Dear recipient

    Sivertsen, Christine, Cziboly, Adam, Hovik, Lise, Sørensen, Merete, Junttila, Kristina (2021)
  • Influence of the ‘conventions approach’ on higher education in drama

    Cziboly, Adam, Lyngstad, Mette Bøe, Zheng, Sisi (2021)
  • DIVERSE: Guidance book for teachers

    Cziboly, Adam (2021)
  • A karanténoktatás tapasztalatai szegregátumban és azon kívül

    Németh, Szilvia, Rajnai, Richárd, Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2021)
  • The question is, do they have the power to harm?

    Lyngstad, Mette Bøe, Cziboly, Adam (2021)
  • GlobalKids pupil focus groups with dramatic methodology. Research report.

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Ádám (2020)
  • Do we need participation? Can theatre address the generation of social media?

    Cziboly, Adam (2020)
  • Living Through Extremes in Process Drama - online book launch

    Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Davis, David, O'Neill, Cecily, Cooper, Chris, Cziboly, Adam (2020)
  • Response to COVID-19 Zooming in on online process drama

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2020)
  • Nincsenek szavaink (?)

    Cziboly, Adam (2019)
  • Democracy through drama: Open Education Resources

    Bolton, Christopher, Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Bloor, Emma, Cherouvis, Stephanos, Colvill, Robert (2019)
  • Democracy through drama: Conceptual and Pedagogical Framework

    Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Bolton, Christopher, Scaramuzzo, Gilberto, Cziboly, Adam (2018)
  • Democracy through drama: Methodological Framework

    Scaramuzzo, Gilberto, Bethlenfalvy, Adam, Bolton, Christopher, Cziboly, Adam (2018)
  • Alkalmazott színház, színházi nevelés és színházpedagógia Magyarországon

    Novák, Géza Máté, Golden, Dániel, Cziboly, Adam (2018)
  • Színházi nevelési és színházpedagógiai kézikönyv. Recenzió.

    Cziboly, Adam (2018)
  • A Handbook of Hungarian Theatre in Education and Theatre Pedagogy

    Cziboly, Adam, Novák, Géza Máté, Golden, Dániel (2018)
  • Színház ez egyáltalán? Bevezetés a színházi nevelési és színházpedagógiai programok sokszínűségébe.

    Cziboly, Adam (2018)
  • Droghasználat a peremhelyzetben élő általános iskolás gyerekek körében

    Judit, Szécsi, Judit, Lannert, Szilvia, Németh, Cziboly, Adam, Dániel, Vince (2017)
  • Miért színház? (Why is that theatre?)

    Cziboly, Adam (2017)
  • Insight into Educational Drama and Theatre - a practical suggestion for categorization and terminology

    Cziboly, Adam (2017)
  • Színházi nevelési és színházpedagógiai kézikönyv (Handbook of educational theatre and theatre pedagogy)

    Cziboly, Adam (2017)
  • Drama Improves Lisbon Key Competences in Education – introduction to a robust international research project.

    Cziboly, Adam (2016)
  • DICE - The impact of educational drama and theatre on key competences

    Cziboly, Adam (2015)
  • The DICE has been cast. + Educational theatre practices in Hungary – an overview

    Cziboly, Adam (2015)
  • Educational theatre and educating towards civic engagement

    Ádám, Bethlenfalvy, Cziboly, Adam (2014)
  • ‘Rolling the DICE’. Introduction to the international research project Drama Improves Lisbon Key Competences in Education

    Eriksson, Stig A., Heggstad, Kari Mjaaland, Heggstad, Katrine, Cziboly, Ádám (2014)
  • Színházi nevelési programok kézikönyve (Handbook of educational theatre programmes)

    Cziboly, Adam, Bethlenfalvy, Adam (2013)
  • Research Report - Educational theatre and drama as a tool to facilitate Roma inclusion. Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia

    Cziboly, Adam (2012)
  • Roma Mentor Project Evaluation Report. School year 2011/2012, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Slovakia.

    Cziboly, Adam (2012)
  • A drámapedagógia hatása a diákok pszichológiai fejlődésére

    Attila, Varga, Szilvia, Németh, Cziboly, Adam, Ildikó, Danis (2011)
  • The Validation and Accreditation of Artistic Skills (VAAS) in Hungary. Overview and needs analysis.

    Cziboly, Adam (2011)
  • Roma Mentor Project Training Manual. An Innovative Approach to Culture, Tradition and Modernity

    Cziboly, Adam (2011)
  • A kocka magyar oldala. A DICE kutatás magyar eredményei (Hungarian results of the DICE research)

    Cziboly, Adam (2011)
  • Terningen er kastet. En DICE-ressurs. Forskningsresultater og anbefalinger for drama og teater i undervisning

    Eriksson, Stig A., Heggstad, Kari Mjaaland, Heggstad, Katrine, Cziboly, Ádám (2010)
  • The DICE has been Cast. A DICE resource. Research findings and recommendations on educational theatre and drama

    Cziboly, Ádám, Eriksson, Stig A., Heggstad, Kari Mjaaland, Heggstad, Katrine (2010)
  • Making a World of Difference. A DICE resource for practitioners on educational theatre and drama

    Cziboly, Adam, Eriksson, Stig A., Heggstad, Kari Mjaaland, Heggstad, Katrine, Cooper, Chris (2010)
  • White paper

    Cziboly, Adam (2009)
  • Subcultures - The cultural segment of the Hungarian Civil Society

    Cziboly, Adam (2008)
  • The basics of Non-profit management. Education pack, part of the project of Birdlife Hungary „Strengthening the civil basis of environmental protection in Serbia-Montenegro”

    Cziboly, Adam (2006)