
Anette Fagertun

Field of work

Anette Fagertun is a social anthropologist with a PhD from University of Bergen, 2009, and Professor of Social Science at the Centre for Care Research west and Department of welfare and participation, FHS, HVL. Fagertun primarily works within the ethnographic field of Europe and Norway, but also has extensive research experience from Southeast Asia, Indonesia.

Fagertun’s research interests are broad and include labor, gender and class; neoliberalism and capitalism; social justice and social inequality; migration and diversity; welfare state and social policy; municipal healthcare services; and women's health.

From October 2019 to dec 2025 Fagertun is project manager (PM) for a large institutional strategic research project funded by the RCN, «The politics of a changing institutional ecology: coordinating and prioritizing healthcare and welfare services in the municipal landscape» (ISP). The project investigates services coordination in a comparative perspective, is based in the municipal health and care services and aims to identify mechanisms that promote or impede services interaction.

Courses taught
  • Philosophy of science (all evels)
  • Methodology
  • Social theory
  • Supervision, all levels

Research areas
  • Europe, Norway and Indonesia
  • Labour,  gender and the welfare state
  • Social policy
  • welfare regimes and municipal health-care services
  • Class, social inequality and neoliberal capitalism


  • Kvinnehelse, overgangsalder og arbeidsliv

    Anette Fagertun, Una Ørvim Sølvik (2024)
  • Aktiveringspolitikk og prioritering i kommunale helse og omsorgstjenester: Tjenestetildelingens "fortjenestfullhet"

    Anette Fagertun, Laila Tingvold (2024)
  • Cost-saving as innovation? Prioritization in municipal home-care services in Norway

    Ingrid Jerve Ramsøy, Anette Fagertun, Frode Fadnes Jacobsen (2024)
  • Kvinnehelse og arbeidsliv i Noreg i eit kjønnsperspektiv

    Anette Fagertun (2024)
  • ‘Crisis’ in the Norwegian welfare state? The politics and labour of healthcare services in a changing institutional ecology (WP 1, ISP-project)

    Anette Fagertun (2024)
  • Analysing power in welfare state through the lens of institutional ethnography (IE): the value of everyday experiences and work knowledge

    Anette Fagertun (2024)
  • Introduction: On Equal Grounds? Migrant Women’s Participation in Labour and Labour Related Activities

    Astrid Ouahyb Sundsbø, Anette Fagertun (2024)
  • Prioriteringslandskapet i de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene i et velferdsstatsperspektiv

    Ragnhild Hellesø, Hanne Marie Rostad, Anette Fagertun, Oddvar Førland, Marianne Sundlisæter Skinner, Astrid Ouahyb Sundsbø (2024)
  • Aktiveringspolitikk og prioritering i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester til eldre: Tjenestetildelingens «fortjenestefullhet»

    Anette Fagertun, Laila Tingvold (2024)
  • Kvinnehelse i eit kjønnsperspektiv: overgangsalder og arbeidsliv

    Anette Fagertun (2024)
  • La oss bryte tausheten og snakke om overgangsalderen på jobben 

    Una Ørvim Sølvik, Anette Fagertun, Silje Mæland, Inger Haukenes (2024)
  • Kvinnehelse i et kjønnsperspektiv: overgangsalder og arbeidsliv

    Anette Fagertun (2024)
  • Early intervention in long-term care: consequences for service provision and care workers

    Anette Fagertun (2024)
  • The public healthcare secor as an inclusion arena? A comarative study of inclusion thrugh labor in Norway and Germany

    Anette Fagertun (2024)
  • Silenced norms for care work in Norwegian Nursing Homes

    Anette Fagertun, Laila Tingvold (2024)
  • Kvinnehelse og arbeidsliv

    Anette Fagertun (2024)
  • Kvinnehelse og arbeidsliv

    Anette Fagertun (2024)
  • Introduksjon til spesialnummer om prioritering i dei kommunale helse-, omsorgs- og velferdstenestene

    Anette Fagertun, Hanne Marie Rostad, Carl Tollef Solberg (2024)
  • The logic of activization in municipal healthcare: boundary work, prioritization and deservingness

    Laila Tingvold, Anette Fagertun (2024)
  • Omsorgens politiske økonomi

    Anette Fagertun, Oddvar Førland (2024)
  • Introduction: Welfare State Capitalism, Universalism, and Social Reproduction in Scandinavia

    Halvard Vike, Anette Fagertun, Heidi Haukelien (2024)
  • Boklansering av The political economy of care. Welfare state capitalism, universalism and social reproduction.

    Heidi Haukelien, Anette Fagertun, Halvard Vike, Frode F. Jacobsen, Oddvar Førland (2024)
  • The glamour and grammar of innovation: notes on the spectacular reimagination of municipal care in Norway.

    Roar Hansen, Anette Fagertun, Heidi Haukelien (2024)
  • Epilogue

    Halvard Vike, Anette Fagertun, Heidi Haukelien (2024)
  • The political economy of care. Welfare state capitalism, universalism, and social reproduction.

    Anette Fagertun, Halvard Vike, Heidi Haukelien (2024)
  • Deskilling Trough Work Inclusion​. The Welfare State’s Role in ​ (re-)Producing Social Hierarchies

    Astrid Sundsbø, Anette Fagertun (2023)
  • Kvinnehelse i eit kjønnsperspektiv: overgangsalder, arbeidsliv og helsevesen

    Anette Fagertun (2023)
  • Rehabiliteringspotensiale? Aktiv og verdig aldring i møte med økt press på omsorgstjenestene

    Laila Tingvold, Anette Fagertun (2023)
  • Argumentasjonsanalyse

    Anette Fagertun (2023)
  • Crises of Care in the Nordics

    Anette Fagertun, Halvard Vike, Heidi Haukelien, Ann Elise Widding Isaksen, Hanne Marlene Dahl (2023)
  • Primary care and women's health from a gender perspective

    Anette Fagertun (2023)
  • Forskning i og med kommuner

    Frode F. Jacobsen, Anette Fagertun (2023)
  • Policy, policy analysis and policy mix

    Anette Fagertun (2023)
  • Epistemologisk grunnarbeid i forsking om velferdsstatens tenester: å konstruere forskingsobjektet

    Anette Fagertun (2023)
  • Additive reforms, policy mix and contradictions: Municipal care services in Norway

    Anette Fagertun, Frode F. Jacobsen (2023)
  • Prinsipper for prioritering og prioriteringspraksiser i den kommunale helse og omsorgstjenesten

    Anette Fagertun, Oddvar Førland, Astrid Sundsbø (2023)
  • Prioriteringer i helse og omsorgssektoren i kommunene. Presentasjon og dialog om forskningsresultater fra PriCare prosjektet.

    Anette Fagertun, Oddvar Førland, Astrid Sundsbø (2023)
  • Prioriteringer i helse og omsorgsesktoren i kommunene. Presentasjon og dialog om forskningsresultater fra PriCare prosjektet.

    Anette Fagertun, Oddvar Førland, Astrid Sundsbø (2023)
  • Contested care: gendered renegotiations of care needs for the frail elderly population in Norway

    Astrid O. Sundsbø, Anette Fagertun, Oddvar Førland (2023)
  • Analysing the welfare state through the lens of institutional ethnography: the value of everyday experience

    Anette Fagertun (2023)
  • Abandoning care in the Nordic welfare state? Examples from home care services in Norway and Denmark.

    Anette Fagertun, Christine Øye (2023)
  • Kvinnehelse, kjønn og arbeid

    Anette Fagertun (2023)
  • Prioriteringer i helse- og omsorgsektoren i kommunene

    Anette Fagertun, Oddvar Førland, Astrid Sundsbø (2022)
  • Politics and Science. Socio-technical imaginaries and co-production in welfare research and welfare services.

    Anette Fagertun (2022)
  • Reconceptualizing States and Welfare in the North of Europe and Beyond

    Halvard Vike, Anette Fagertun, Heidi Haukelien (2022)
  • Kva vilkår har rettferd i velferdsstaten når sosiale spørsmål smeltar?

    Anette Fagertun (2022)
  • Who’s in the House? Staffing in Long-Term Care Homes Before and During COVID-19 Pandemic

    Shirin Vellani, Franziska Zuniga, Karen Spilsbury, Annica Backman, Nancy Kusmaul, Kezia Scales (2022)
  • Moglegheiter og hindringar i samband med datainnsamling

    Anette Fagertun, Liv Heide Magnussen (2022)
  • Kartlegging fra INCA prosjektet. Innovasjon i kommunale hjemmetjenester.

    Anette Fagertun, Christine Øye (2022)
  • Utfordringsbildet i de kommunale helse og omsorgstjenestene

    Anette Fagertun, Christine Øye (2022)
  • The re-politicization of primary care through the optic of 'prioritization' and 'crisis' in Norway

    Anette Fagertun (2022)
  • Multinational crews and multiculturalism

    Roar Hansen, Anette Fagertun (2022)
  • Innvandrerkvinners arbeid og velferdsstatens motstridende dobbelthet

    Astrid Ouahyb Sundsbø, Anette Fagertun (2022)
  • Den offentlige helse og omsorgssektoren som inkluderingsarena

    Anette Fagertun (2022)
  • The concept of co-production in different academic fields: potentials for critical analysis AND muddle

    Anette Fagertun (2022)
  • Bilder av omsorg: tause normer for arbeid i flerkulturelle stabsfellesskap i norske sykehjem

    Laila Tingvold, Anette Fagertun (2022)
  • Kvinnedagen 8 mars 2022. Arbeid, kjønn og ulikskap

    Anette Fagertun (2022)
  • Kjønn, politikk og velferdsstat

    Anette Fagertun (2022)
  • Tematiske forskingsområder SOFV

    Anette Fagertun (2021)
  • Paradoxes of Polarization and post-politics in the Nordic welfare regimes - Silencing labour in welfare production

    Anette Fagertun (2021)
  • Crisis in the Norwegian welfare state? The politics and labour of healthcare services in a changing institutional ecology

    Anette Fagertun (2021)
  • Welfare service research: epistemological preliminaries - constructing the object of research

    Anette Fagertun (2021)
  • The shaping of prioritisations in municipal long-term care - A case study from Norway

    Oddvar Førland, Anette Fagertun (2021)
  • Om prioritering i dei kommunale helse og omsorgstenestane

    Anette Fagertun (2021)
  • Forskingsinteresser ved Senter for Omsorgsforskning vest, HVL, Alrek Helseklynge

    Anette Fagertun (2021)
  • Vilkår for samarbeid i dei kommunale helse og omsorgstenestane - ISP prosjektet

    Anette Fagertun (2021)
  • The Role of Cultural Consciousness and Knowledge Development in Managing Multicultural Staff in Norwegian Nursing Homes

    Patience Nelson Kawamala, Anette Fagertun, Frode F. Jacobsen, Jonas Debesay, Karen Christensen (2021)
  • WP 1 ISP prosjekt - analyse og komparasjon av velferdspolitikk

    Anette Fagertun (2021)
  • Kampar i eldreomsorg

    Anette Fagertun (2021)
  • Organizing multicultural nursing homes in the age of 'super-diversity'

    Anette Fagertun, Laila Tingvold (2021)
  • Absorbing care through precarious labour: the shifting boundaries of politics in Norwegian healthcare

    Anette Fagertun (2021)
  • Strengthening International Research in Long-Term Care: Recommended common data elements to support clinical staff training

    Charlene H. Chu, Katherine S. McGilton, Karen Spilsbury, Kim Le, Veronique Boscart, Annica Backman (2021)
  • Forskningstema ved Senter for Omsorgsforskning vest, HVL

    Anette Fagertun (2020)
  • Uncovering the Devaluation of Nursing Home Staff during COVID-19: Are we Fuelling the next Health Care crisis?

    Katherine S. McGilton, Astrid Escrig-Pinol, Adam Gordon, Charlene H. Chu, Franziska Zuniga, Montserrat Sanches (2020)
  • Between privileged and oppressed? Immigrant labor trajectories in Norwegian long-term care

    Laila Tingvold, Anette Fagertun (2020)
  • Inter-disciplinary collaboration in research

    Anette Fagertun (2020)
  • Kjønnsperspektiver i forskningsprosjekt, interseksjonalitet

    Anette Fagertun (2020)
  • ISP project work package 1 presentation

    Anette Fagertun (2020)
  • Key concepts - ISP project

    Anette Fagertun (2020)
  • Prioritization in the municipal healthcare sector: prospects and challenges

    Anette Fagertun (2019)
  • Health Policy in the Desert of the Real

    Roar Hansen, Anette Fagertun (2019)
  • Toward Common Data Elements for International Research in Long-term Care Homes: Advancing Person-Centered Care

    Kirsten N. Corazzini, Ruth A. Anderson, Barbra J. Bowers, Charlene H. Chu, David Edvardsson, Anette Fagertun (2019)
  • Recommended Common Data Elements for International Research in Long-Term Care Homes: Exploring the Workforce and Staffing Concepts of Staff Retention and Turnover

    Franziska Zuniga, Charlene Chu, Veronique Boscart, Anette Fagertun, Montserrat Gea-Sanchez, Julienne Meyer (2019)
  • Omsorgsarbeid, kjønn og etnisitet. Flerkulturelle arbeidsfelleskap i norske sykehjem i møte med institusjonelle endringer

    Anette Fagertun, Laila Tingvold (2018)
  • Arbeidsregimer og regulering av arbeid i Europas nyliberale era

    Anette Fagertun, Roar Hansen (2018)
  • Multicultural identities in nursing homes

    Anette Fagertun, Frode F. Jacobsen, Van Beek Sandra (2018)
  • Depolitizication and precarization of the labor intensive care sector in Norway

    Anette Fagertun (2018)
  • Trygghetsstandard sluttrapport, sentrale funn

    Anette Fagertun, Gudmund Ågotnes (2018)
  • Trygghetsstandard kommunevise delrapporter

    Anette Fagertun, Gudmund Ågotnes (2018)
  • Sluttrapport Trygghetsstandard

    Anette Fagertun, Gudmund Ågotnes (2018)
  • Spenningsfeltet mellom standardisering, variasjon og prioritering i norske sykehjem

    Jørn Isaksen, Gudmund Ågotnes, Anette Fagertun (2018)
  • Grasrotmobilisering, solidaritet og hierarkiske logikker. En historisk antropologisk studie av det norske "velferdsstatseksperimentet".

    Anette Fagertun (2018)
  • Følgeforskning på Trygghetsstandarden - Sluttrapport

    Jørn Isaksen, Gudmund Ågotnes, Anette Fagertun, Frode F. Jacobsen, Aud Obstfelder (2018)
  • Waves of dispossession: The conversion of land and labor in Bali's recent history

    Anette Fagertun (2017)
  • Staffing and practice models in long term care - towards common data elements in comparative research

    Anette Fagertun, Katherine McGilton (2017)
  • Debating feminism and care philosophy - Fagertun & Banerjee

    Anette Fagertun (2017)
  • Normtider til besvær. Evaluering av normtider for hjemmetjenestene i Bergen Kommune

    Oddvar Førland, Anette Fagertun, Roar Hansen, Snorre Kverndokk (2017)
  • Waves of dispossession: the conversion of land and labor in Bali's recent history

    Anette Fagertun (2017)
  • Multicultural workforce in the Norwegian healthcare sector: flexible labour, gender and social inequality. Discussing the Multi Care project.

    Anette Fagertun (2017)
  • The anti-politics of healthcare and its blurring effercts on care work in Norway

    Anette Fagertun (2017)
  • Det fleirkulturelle arbeidsfelleskapet i norske sjukeheimar - Multi Care

    Anette Fagertun (2016)
  • The Anti-politics of Healthcare policy in Norway

    Anette Fagertun (2016)
  • Denaturalizing dispossession: Dimensions of shifting labor regimes in emergent economies

    Anette Fagertun (2016)
  • The anti-politics of Care

    Anette Fagertun (2016)
  • Localising Globalisation: Gendered Transformations of Work in Emergent Economies

    Anette Fagertun (2016)
  • Labour in paradise: gender, class and social mobility in the informal tourism economy of urban Bali, Indonesia

    Anette Fagertun (2016)
  • The anti-politics of Care in Norway: a theoretical discussion

    Anette Fagertun (2016)
  • Denaturalizing Dispossession

    Anette Fagertun (2015)
  • The status of gender and feminist perspectives in current anthropology

    Anette Fagertun (2015)
  • The workforce of Care in Norway: gender, value and naturalization

    Anette Fagertun (2015)
  • Denaturalizing Dispossession: The Conversion of Labor and Land in Bali, Indonesia

    Anette Fagertun (2014)
  • Social Exclusion of the Chepangs in the Era of Post-Politica Revolution in Nepal - A Case Study of Dhading District

    Baikuntha Khanal, Anette Fagertun (2014)
  • Dispossession and Ethnic Identity in Expanding State Space of Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh

    Mohammad Tareq Hasan, Anette Fagertun (2014)
  • Lesbisk identitet i Mexico City Kjønnsdiskurser, diskriminering og rettighetskamp

    Gina Bidne Nævdal, Anette Fagertun (2014)
  • The effect of 'Affect': Henrietta Moore's turn

    Anette Fagertun (2014)
  • "Det viktigste vi har er ord". Sikkerhet, disiplinering og tillit i det offentlige rom: Vektere på Bybanen i Bergen

    Caroline Værlien, Anette Fagertun (2014)
  • Gendered labor in 'Paradise': tourism as an engine of change in Bali

    Anette Fagertun (2013)
  • Gendered Conversions: Land and labor in the 'global tourist resort' of Bali

    Anette Fagertun (2013)
  • De-naturalizing difference: Challenging the production of global social inequality.Begrepsdiskusjon

    Anette Fagertun, Christine M. Jacobsen (2013)
  • Gender and Moralities of Work on Jimbaran Bay, South Bali

    Anette Fagertun (2013)
  • Gender and social mobility: labour in the mass-tourism economy of Bali

    Anette Fagertun (2012)
  • Localizing Global dynamics through Labour: Class as a new regime of value in Bali, Indonesia

    Anette Fagertun (2010)
  • Embedded Movement. Senegalese Transcontinental Migration and Gender Identity

    Ingrid Jerve Ramsøy, Anette Fagertun (2010)
  • "When You Cannot Do Anything, That`s the Greatest Problem in Life". Place and Identity, Power and Agency among Karen Refugees on the Thai-Burmese Border

    Ingvill Bjørnstad Åberg, Anette Fagertun (2010)
  • The gender of work and the work of gender : on social transformations in two fisher villages on Jimbaran Bay, Bali, Indonesia

    Anette Fagertun (2009)
  • Bokomtale: Berit, Berg, Torunn Fladstad og kirsten Lauritzen (red., "Kvinneliv i eksil, seks portretter"

    Anette Fagertun (2007)
  • Introduksjon. Om kjønn og antropologi

    Annelin Eriksen, Anette Fagertun, Cecilie Ødegaard (2007)
  • Kjønn som strukturerande prinsipp for rituelt arbeid på Bali

    Anette Fagertun (2007)
  • Ulikskap og likeverd: om kjønn, arbeid og global kapitalisme

    Anette Fagertun (2006)
  • Antropologien og staten. En innledning

    Kjetil K Fosshagen, Anette Fagertun, Inger Lise Teig, Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (2006)
  • Ulike forskingsobjekt i antropologiske studier av kjønn: Om arbeid og arbeidsdeling på Bali

    Anette Fagertun (2006)
  • "Conceptualizing 'sociality' in anthropology; Epistemological implications of different methodological positions"

    Anette Fagertun (2005)
  • "Kjønn og Stat: i antropologien generelt og i Indonesia spesielt"

    Anette Fagertun (2005)
  • "Religious activity as gendered practice and work in Bali"

    Anette Fagertun (2005)
  • "Women's religious activities as women's work in Bali"

    Anette Fagertun (2005)