Associate Professor

Anne Grethe Sønsthagen

Field of work

I am an associate professor in pedagogy at the Department of Pedagogy, Religion, and Social Studies


EX-PED-LAB: Exploration and Pedagogical Innovation Laboratories

Ph.D. study 

I defended my Ph.D. on the 2th of November, 2021. My Ph.D. study is titled Leadership and responsibility: A study of early childcare institutions as inclusion arenas for refugees.


I have investigated the inclusion of parents with refugee backgrounds in early childcare institutions, where the relations and interactions with the staff are central. I investigated the staff's multicultural competence and need for professional development and the leadership's responsibility in this regard. I have studied two early childcare institutions that participated in the national in-service program Competence for Diversity.  

I have published four articles (linked to under selected publications):
Article I - "Jeg savner barnet mitt". Møter mellom somaliske mødre og barnehagen.
Article II - Early childcare as arenas of inclusion: the contribution of staff to recognising parents with refugee backgrounds as significant stakeholders.
Article III - 'Learning by talking`' - The role of local line leadership in organisational learning. 
Article IV - Interkulturell kompetanseutvikling - ein studies om leing av barnehagepersonalet som lærer å lære om foreldresamarbeid.

I participated in the doctoral program "Pedagogical resources and learning processes" at South-Eastern Norway University (USN).
Heidi Biseth at USN was my main supervisor and Øyvind Glosvik at HVL was my co-supervisor. 


Other research studies 

Karin Street and I started the study "Cooperation between early childhood education and care and the home - before and during the Corona-epidemic" during the spring of 2020. This is a quantitative study, where the objective is to investigate the experiences of cooperation reported by parents and pedagogical leaders in early childcare centers in relation to the Corona-epidemic. The management in 630 childcare centers in the region Vestland, has been invited to distribute online surveys to the staff and the parents in their childcare centers. Additionally, the management has been asked to fill out background information about the childcare center. 


I worked as an assistant professor from January 2015 until August 2016, teaching in early childhood teacher education, emphasizing multicultural pedagogy and leadership in kindergartens. 

I was a coordinator for the national initiative "Competence for Diversity" in the region Sogn og Fjordane in 2016-2017.

I have previously worked as an assistant and a pre-school teacher in kindergarten and as a consultant at a refugee service center.


I have a bachelor degree in early childhood education, where I specialized in Global Knowledge, with a three-month stay in Zambia. I have a master's degree in multicultural and international education, with fieldwork in South Africa. Title of master thesis: "Education in post-apartheid South Africa: A limited approach to social justice and redress".


  • Lærande linjeleiarar si rolle i utviklinga av barnehagen som ein lærande organisasjon – eit krysspress mellom institusjonelle omgivnadar sine krav og forventningar og eigen autonomi

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2024)
  • Lærarrolla i utdanningsverkstad

    Fimreite, Hege, Pedersen, Lillian, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe , Glosvik, Øyvind (2024)
  • Hvordan vi ser for oss at forskningsprosjekter ved BARNkunne, kan bidra til policy utvikling og styrking av barnehagesektoren? Om BARNkunnes portefølje og hva de bidrar til

    Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Sadownik, Alicja R., Andreadakis, Zacharias, Glosvik, Øyvind, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe , Fimreite, Hege (2024)
  • Den kompetente barnehagen

    Fimreite, Hege, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe , Birkeland, Johanna (2024)
  • Verksted - et rom for kunnskapsutvikling

    Fimreite, Hege, Glosvik, Øyvind, Birkeland, Johanna, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe, E. Rasmussen, Mona, D. Sivertsen, Siri (2023)
  • Den lærande barnehagen som inkluderingsarena

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2023)
  • Foreldresamarbeid i norske barnehagar: Ei undersøking av strukturell validitet av, og COVID-19 relaterte skilnadar i, foreldreundersøkinga

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe, Street, Karin Elisabeth Sørlie (2023)
  • The learning early childhood education and care institution as an inclusion arena

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2023)
  • Framtidas barnehage – fleire hender eller fleire barnehagelærarar?

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2023)
  • Kva med statusen til barnehagelæraryrket?

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2023)
  • Den lærande linjeleiaren i eit sosialt berekraftsperspektiv

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2023)
  • Different approaches to leadership of The Competent Kindergarten

    Fimreite, Hege, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2023)
  • Kjære barnehagelærere - stå opp for den kunnskapen dere har

    Hofslundsengen, Hilde Christine, Pedersen, Lillian, Bøyum, Sigrid, Alme, Hilde, Fimreite, Hege, Bakken, Astrid Reidun Berglid (2022)
  • The Competent Preschool - three approaches to management and knowledge development

    Fimreite, Hege, Birkeland, Johanna, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2022)
  • Leiing av den kompetente barnehagen

    Fimreite, Hege, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe , Birkeland, Johanna (2022)
  • Den kompetente barnehagen

    Fimreite, Hege, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe , Birkeland, Johanna (2022)
  • Eit inkluderande foreldresamarbeid i den lærande barnehagen – linjeleiinga sitt ansvar

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2022)
  • Den kompetente barnehagen: tre tilnærmingar til leiing og kunnskapsutvikling

    Birkeland, Johanna, Fimreite, Hege, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2022)
  • Leadership and responsibility: A study of early childcare institutions as inclusion arenas for parents with refugee backgrounds

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2021)
  • BluPodden: Leiing i den lærande barnehagen (podcast)

    Fimreite, Hege, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe , Glosvik, Øyvind (2021)
  • BluPodden: Når tale blir handling (podcast)

    Fimreite, Hege, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe , Glosvik, Øyvind (2021)
  • BluPodden: Mellom kvardagsverd og system (podcast)

    Fimreite, Hege, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe , Glosvik, Øyvind (2021)
  • Dette påverkar tilsette sitt syn på foreldre med flyktningbakgrunn

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2021)
  • Leiing og ansvar: Barnehagen som inkluderingsarena for foreldre med flyktningbakgrunn

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2021)
  • Barnehagen og foreldre med flyktningbakgrunn

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2021)
  • Visste du at ei lærande linjeleiing ser ut til å vere nødvendig for at barnehagen skal fungere som ein inkluderingsarena for foreldre med flyktningbakgrunn?

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2021)
  • Interkulturell kompetanseutvikling - ein studie om leiing av barnehagepersonalet som lærer å lære om foreldresamarbeid

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe , Bøyum, Sigrid (2021)
  • Den lærande linjeleiaren i fleirkulturell kompetanseheving

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2021)
  • ‘Learning by Talking?’ – The role of local line leadership in organisational learning.

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe , Glosvik, Øyvind (2020)
  • Leadership and responsibility: A study of early childcare institutions as inclusion arenas for parents with refugee backgrounds

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2020)
  • ‘Learning by talking?’ – The role of local line leadership in organisational learning

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe, Glosvik, Øyvind (2020)
  • Samarbeid med foreldre med minoritetsbakgrunn

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2020)
  • Early childcare as arenas of inclusion: the contribution of staff to recognising parents with refugee backgrounds as significant stakeholders

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2020)
  • Leadership’s work with multicultural professional development: The kindergarten as an arena of inclusion for refugees

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2019)
  • Etablering og utvikling av tillit mellom somaliske mødre og barnehagepersonalet

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2019)
  • Inkluderande og ekskluderande praksisar i barnehagen - med eit fleirkulturelt perspektiv

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2019)
  • Korleis barnehagen kan fungere som ein inkluderingsarena for flyktningar gjennom personalet sitt arbeid med fleirkulturell kompetanseheving

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2019)
  • Barnehagen som inkluderingsarena for flyktningar gjennom personalet sitt arbeid med fleirkulturell kompetanseheving

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2019)
  • Inclusion in kindergartens

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2019)
  • Fleirkulturell kompetanseheving og barnehagen som inkluderingsarena for flyktningar

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2018)
  • «Jeg savner barnet mitt». Møter mellom somaliske mødre og barnehagen

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2018)
  • Dei yngste flyktningane frå Syria går no i barnehagar over heile Noreg.

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2016)
  • Need for a democratic approach to social justice in education and training

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2016)
  • "Er det noko du saknar i barnehagen? - Barnet mitt". Møter mellom somaliske mødre og barnehagen

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2016)
  • Slik bør barnehagen møte minoritetsforeldrene

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2016)
  • Barnehagar som profesjonelle praksisfellesskap?: Ein studie av lærande barnehagar i indre Sogn

    Glosvik, Øyvind, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe , Pytte, Gunstein (2016)
  • Språkstimulering for flerspråklige barn i barnehagen

    Hofslundsengen, Hilde, Bøyum, Sigrid, Engesæter, Mari, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2016)
  • Korleis arbeide med dei sju prinsippa for læring i nettbasert undervisning?

    Grimeland, Benedikte, Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2016)
  • Perceptions regarding collaboration between Norwegian kindergartens and Somalian mothers 

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2016)
  • Haldningsarbeid og inkludering

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2015)
  • Den fleirkulturelle barnehagen

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2015)
  • A comparative look at social justice in South African education and Norwegian introduction programme for refugees

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2015)
  • A comparative look at social justice in South African education system and Norwegian introduction programme for refugees

    Sønsthagen, Anne Grethe (2015)