Field of work
My educational background is from various disciplines across education, cultural and social studies, public health, and the disciplinary subject of health sciences. I have a Master of Philosophy in International Community Health and a Bachelor of Science in Preclinical Medicine. My PhD is in the doctoral program “Bildung and Pedagogical Practices” at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. My doctoral project is titled “Food and Meals in the Kindergartens in Norway and China: Policies, Practices, and Emerging Themes”, and it aims at contributing to a better understanding contemporary food practices in Norwegian and Chinese kindergartens from a cultural-historical perspective.
I am a member of work area 5, Food and Meals in kindergartens, in KINDknow - Kindergarten Knowledge Centre for Systemic Research on Diversity and Sustainable Futures I am also a member of the research group Kindergarten as an Arena for Cultural Formation.
My research interest lies primarily in the interdisciplinary area of health, particularly among women and children. Previously I have worked on women’s health.
Courses taught
- NHR101 Natur, helse og rørsle
- FHA912 Kostholdsarbeid i samfunnet
- MGUMH501 Mat og helse 3, emne 1 - Vitenskapsteori, fag og metode
- MPUV505 Utdanningsforsking i praksis
- MBAS515 Metodefordypning og prosjektplan for masteroppgaven
- MBAS514 Deltakelse i forskningsgrupper innenfor barnehageforskning
- MGUMH401 Mat og helse- Helsefremmende kosthold og forskningsarbeid
- MBAS516 Masteroppgave
- FHA1112 Bacheloroppgave
Research areas
- food and meals in kindergartens
- food, culture and society
- women's and children's health
Research groups
Traces of sustainability in food practices in a Norwegian kindergarten
The Use of Visual Methods in a Study of Kindergarten Food Practices
‘A long way to get here and a long way to go': a case study on changing lunch meal practices in a Norwegian kindergarten
A case study on changing lunch meal practices in a Norwegian kindergarten
Food and meals in Norwegian kindergartens
Mat er viktig, barn er viktige, helsen deres er viktig i unge år
Food and meal policies and guidelines in kindergartens in Norway and China: a comparative analysis
Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes and Processes in Myocardial Tissue of Liver-Specific Gck Knockout Mice.
Changing practices of food and meals in a Norwegian kindergarten: Conflicts, crisis and coping strategies
Food practices in Norwegian and Chinese kindergartens– a cross-cultural study
Pragmatics of everyday life: A qualitative study of induced abortion among Tibetan women in Lhasa
Induced abortion among Tibetan women in Lhasa