Associate Professor
Christine Erna Elisabeth Möller-Omrani
Field of work
English linguistics and educational linguistics, second language acquisition, metalinguistic awareness, bi- and multilingualism/plurilingualism, bilingual education/CLIL, immersion teaching, text- and discourse analysis, teacher and student teacher cognition.
Current main project (project coordinator): MetaLearn
MetaLearn - Education for plurilingualism: Metalinguistic awareness in early instructed language learning (2020-2024, financed by the Research Council of Norway (FINNUT))
Courses taught
- Pre-service teacher education (grade 1-7 and 5-10)
- In-service teacher training (Kompetanse for kvalitet) grade 1-7
- Master's
Research areas
see above
Research groups
- Analyzing and Assessing Linguistic Multicompetence (AALM)
- Researching Teacher Education, Language and Literature (RETELL)
- MGBEN550, English 3, module 4 - Master’s thesis, 24/25
- PHD950, Doctoral thesis, 24/25
Norwegian Elementary Pupils’ Dominant Language Constellation
Investigating metalinguistic awareness and metalinguistic strategies in the 8th-grade classroom using an MLA test: a mixed methods study
Promoting cross-linguistic awareness in Norwegian primary schools: Language teachers’ views and practices
Metalinguistic Awareness In Young Learners
Promoting children's plurilingual competence and metalinguistic awareness through translation-based tasks
Developing an MLA-test for young learners–insights from measurement theory and language testing
Investigating the foundations of multilingualism: how to assess metalinguistic awareness
Å se sammenhenger mellom engelsk og andre språk elevene kan: muligheter og utfordringer
English Teachers’ Cognitions about Language Awareness Work: Some Insights from Primary Schools
Promoting cross-linguistic awareness in Norwegian primary schools: language teachers’ views and reported practices
Fostering the students’ plurilingual competence through translation tasks
Constructing a new test for metalinguistic awareness: The MetaLearn test and its baseline results
Assessing metalinguistic awareness in early instructed language learning
Cross-linguistic metalinguistic awareness in grades 3, 6, and 7
Language awareness in primary school EFL lessons: teachers' cognitions and practices
Using translation tasks to assess and promote young learners’ metalinguistic awareness
Relationships between metalinguistic awareness and proficiency in English as an additional language
A test for assessing the metalinguistic awareness of young language learners (the MetaLearn project)
Språkbevissthet at elementary school - the what and the how
Assessing metalinguistic awareness in primary school
Student teachers’ experiences and cognitions on being an English teacher: A South African-Norwegian comparative study
Elementary school teacher cognition on metalinguistic awareness in the EFL classroom
The relationship between Norwegian Elementary school pupils’ cross-linguistic metalinguistic awareness, English competence, and multilingualism
Education for plurilingualism: Metalinguistic awareness in early instructed language learning (MetaLearn)
Should the Elementary School EFL Classroom Contribute to Developing Multilingualism? Pre-Service Teacher Cognitions about Pluralistic Approaches to EFL Teaching and Cross-Linguistic Awareness
Norwegian English teachers’ cognitions and self-reported practices regarding metalinguistic awareness: a qualitative study
The development of metalinguistic awareness in young learners of English
Plurilingualism and assessment: constructing an assessment tool for metalinguistic awareness
Metalinguistic awareness in the L2 classroom
Student teacher education for citizenship: Combining global citizenship and bilingual education (GLOBIL)
Short introductory note
Sprachen lernen mit Immersion. Das Sprachbad in Krippe, Kita und Grundschule: Eine Information für Eltern
A Bilingual Education Approach to Global Citizenship
Harnessing metalinguistic awareness to develop plurilingualism in the EFL classroom (MetaClass)
GLOBIL goes digital. A project with 1st year student teachers and pupils from Rothaugen Middle School.
"Engelsk på tvers av fag og emner" at elementary school?
Discourse analysis from a linguistic perspective
Student teachers’ cognitions on being an English teacher: A South African-Norwegian comparative study
A Bilingual Education Approach to Global Citizenship
„Lexikalische Mittel der Textkonstitution in der L2 Englisch“ [Lexical means of text construction in the L2 English]
Young L2 learners´ narrative discourse: Coherence and cohesion
Bilingual unterrichten - Information für Lehramtsstudierende. [Bilingual Education - Information for Student Teachers].
"Textproduktion in der L2 Englisch. Was ist möglich?"
„Immersion in der Grundschule und Übergang in die Sekundarstufe“ [Immersion at elementary school and the transition to secondary school]
„Zur Geschichte und Zukunft bilingualen Unterrichts“ [Notes on the history and future of bilingual education]
"Subjektive Theorien" [Subjective theories]
„Immersion: Fakt und Fiktion“ [Immersion: Fiction and fact]
“Lexikalische Mittel der Textkonstitution in der L2 Englisch”[Lexical means of text constitution in the L2 English]
“Wie junge Fremdsprachenlerner temporale Räume schaffen: eine Annäherung” [Learning to express temporal space in a second language: Evidence from young learners]
Fremdsprachen durch Immersion in Krippe, Kita und Grundschule: Eine Information für Eltern. [Learning languages through Immersion in day nurseries, kindergartens and elementary schools]
”Bilingualer Unterricht nach der Immersionsmethode“ [Bilingual education with the immersion method]
”Formulaic language in storytelling”
”Immersion with and without L2 preschool experience: What’s the difference?”
”Immersion: Eine Form des bilingualen Lehrens und Lernens“ [Immersion: A special case of bilingual teaching and learning]
”Kohäsive Mittel und ihre Entwicklung bei L2-Lernern im Grundschulalter unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Raumkonstitution“ [Cohesive devices and their development in young L2 learners: Spatial expressions]
”Narrative discourse: Global versus local processing“
“Messbarkeit und Entwicklung von Textlänge in mündlichen Lernerdaten am Beispiel der L2 Englisch“ [Measuring text length and its development in oral learner data of English as a second language]
”The History and Future of Bilingual Education: Immersion Teaching in Germany and its Canadian Origins”
“Developmental aspects of narrative discourse in English immersion”
”Storytelling: The cognitive and linguistic development in German-English immersion“
"Immersion und bilingualer Unterricht im Elementarbereich” [Immersion and bilingual education at kindergarten and primary schools]
"Frühe Förderung von Mehrsprachigkeit durch Immersion im Elementarbereich” [Laying the foundations for multilingualism: Immersion in primary education]
"Bilingualer Unterricht aus der Sicht der Fachdidaktiken” ["Bilingual education from the viewpoint of teaching the subject matter"]
"The cognitive and linguistic development manifest in immersion students’ storytelling"
"Storytelling: A window into the cognitive and linguistic development of children in a German-English immersion school"
"Immersion: A contribution to multilingualism"
"The Development of Narrative in German-English Immersion"