Associate Professor

Hilde Kristin Refvik Riise

Field of work

I am an associate professor at the master's in clinical nursing. I am also currently a postdoctoral fellow at Haukeland Hospital (2021-2024). I have a Bachelor's degree in nursing from Bergen University College (2006-2009),and a master's degree in nursing science from the University of Bergen (2010-2012). From 2014-2018, I took a PhD associated with the research group for lifestyle epidemiology at the University of Bergen. I defended my thesis in December 2018 with the thesis "Hypertensive pregnancy disorders and subsequent cardiovascular disease in Norwegian women".

Courses taught
  • Bachelor in nursing
  • Masters in clinical nursing
  • PhD Programme in Health, Function and Participation
Research areas
  • Pregnancy complications and later risk of cardiovascular disease in the mother
  • Diabetes and diabetes complications
  • Female health and diabetes
  • COVID-19
  • Expertise in quantitative method, with emphasis on registry-based studies and national health surveys
Research groups
