Field of work

I am an associate professor in mathematics education, teaching and supervising master students in teacher education (1-7 and 5-10). My main research interests are reasoning and proving in primary education, core practices in mathematics teacher education, mathematics teacher identity, and mathematics teachers in transition from teacher education to professional debut in school.

Courses taught

Teacher education (1-7 and 5-10) - Master in mathematics education:

  • MGBMA/MGUMA501: Mathematics education in the field of practice
  • MGBMA/MGUMA502: Scientific theory and method
  • MGBMA/MGUMA503: Mathematics education in the field of research
  • Master thesis supervision
Research groups


  • Master i matematikkdidaktikk

    Herheim, Rune, Rangnes, Toril Eskeland, Rø, Kirsti, Smestad, Bjørn (2024)
  • A framework for reasoning in school mathematics: analyzing the development of mathematical claims

    Valenta, Anita, Rø, Kirsti, Klock, Sigrid Iversen (2024)
  • Alltid, aldri eller noen ganger? Om matematisk argumentasjon i grunnskolen

    Burheim, Oda Tingstad, Dahl, Heidi, Enge, Ole, Rø, Kirsti (2023)
  • The complexity of supporting reasoning in a mathematics classroom of shared authority

    Arnesen, Kristin Krogh, Rø, Kirsti (2022)
  • Hva gjør generiske eksempler vanskelige? Lærerstudenters skriftlige argumenter for en påstand i multiplikasjon

    Arnesen, Kristin Krogh, Rø, Kirsti (2021)
  • Dekomponering av planleggingspraksis i en syklus av utforsking og utprøving i lærerutdanning

    Valenta, Anita, Rø, Kirsti, Ødegaard, Reidun Persdatter, Langfeldt, Marit Buset (2021)
  • Matematikkløypa 2020 - veiledningshefte

    Rossing, Nils Kristian, Fredagsvik, Maren Skjelstad, Berg, Ingeborg, Hag, Kari Jorun, Petersen, Vigdis Brevik, Rø, Kirsti (2020)
  • Researching mathematics teacher identity: A theoretical consideration

    Rø, Kirsti (2020)
  • The opaque nature of generic examples: The structure of student teachers’ arguments in multiplicative reasoning

    Rø, Kirsti, Arnesen, Kristin Krogh (2020)
  • Introduction to the papers of TWG20: mathematics teacher knowledge, beliefs, and identity

    Ribeiro, Miguel, Martignone, Francesca, Aslan-Tutak, Fatma, Rø, Kirsti, Montes, Miguel, Kuntze, Sebastian (2019)
  • Initial participation in a reasoning-and-proving discourse in elementary school teacher education

    Arnesen, Kristin Krogh, Enge, Ole, Rø, Kirsti, Valenta, Anita (2019)
  • Developing an identity as a secondary school mathematics teacher: Identification and negotiability in communities of practice

    Rø, Kirsti (2019)
  • Felles faglig planlegging

    Rø, Kirsti, Valenta, Anita, Langfeldt, Marit Buset, Ødegaard, Reidun Persdatter (2019)
  • Matematikkløypa 2019 - Veiledningshefte

    Rossing, Nils Kristian, Fredagsvik, Maren Skjelstad, Berg, Ingeborg, Petersen, Vigdis Brevik, Rø, Kirsti, Smalø, Sverre Olaf (2019)
  • Matematikkløypa 2018 - Veiledningshefte

    Rossing, Nils Kristian, Fredagsvik, Maren Skjelstad, Berg, Ingeborg, Petersen, Vigdis Brevik, Rø, Kirsti, Smalø, Sverre Olaf (2018)
  • Å utvikle en identitet som matematikklærer

    Rø, Kirsti (2018)
  • Initial participation in a reasoning and proving discourse in elementary teacher education

    Arnesen, Kristin Krogh, Rø, Kirsti (2018)
  • Developing an identity as a secondary school mathematics teacher : A narrative case study of three mathematics teachers in their transition from university teacher education to employment in school

    Rø, Kirsti (2018)
  • Affekt i matematisk problemløsning. En studie av elevers forestillinger om seg selv og deres emosjoner i arbeid med problemløsningsoppgaver i matematikk

    Valbekmo, Ingunn, Rø, Kirsti (2017)
  • Introduction to the papers of TWG20: Mathematics teacher knowledge, beliefs, and identity

    Ribeiro, Miguel, Aslan-Tutak, Fatma, Kuntze, Sebastian, Martignone, Francesca, Rø, Kirsti, Toor, Amanjot (2017)
  • Å utvikle en identitet som matematikklærer

    Rø, Kirsti (2017)
  • Investigating mathematics teacher identity development: A theoretical consideration

    Rø, Kirsti (2015)
  • Developing an identity as a secondary school mathematics teacher: A prospective teacher's narrative

    Rø, Kirsti (2015)
  • Matematikkløypa 2015 - Veiledningshefte

    Rossing, Nils Kristian, Skjelstad, Maren, Rø, Kirsti, Hag, Kari, Torkildsen, Svein Hallvard, Petersen, Vigdis (2015)
  • Læreres kunnskaper for meningsfull matematikkundervisning

    Rø, Kirsti, Ribeiro, Miguel C. (2015)
  • Investigating mathematics teacher identity development: A theoretical consideration

    Rø, Kirsti (2015)
  • Mathematics and mathematics teachers in the transition between university teacher education and secondary school

    Rø, Kirsti (2014)
  • Developing an identity as a secondary school mathematics teacher: A prospective teacher's narrative

    Rø, Kirsti (2014)
  • Matematikkutstillingen Thomas Angell - Veiledningshefte til undervisningsopplegget

    Rossing, Nils Kristian, Rø, Kirsti (2011)
  • Matematikkløypa med for- og etterarbeid

    Rossing, Nils Kristian, Rø, Kirsti (2011)