Assistant Head of Department

Kristin Lofthus Hope


  • Governing School Choice in Norway: Why Local Educational Government Capacity Matters

    Homme, Anne, Eide, Helene Marie Kjærgård, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2022)
  • Keeping Talents in the Region? Educational Internships and Their Impact on Regional Development

    Berg, Laila Margaret Nordstrand, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2022)
  • Governing School Choice in Norway – Why local educational government capacity matters

    Homme, Anne, Eide, Helene Marie Kjærgård, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2021)
  • How to become complete responsible universities? Or not to become complete?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2018)

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2018)
  • The Core Curriculum – Interpretations and Stories About an Essential Document for the Norwegian School

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2017)
  • Policy Instruments in European Universities: Implementation of Higher Education Policies

    Nyhagen, Gigliola Mathisen, Bleiklie, Ivar, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2017)
  • Mia Vabø,Signy Irene Vabo (red.): Velferdens organisering

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2017)
  • Innovative government initiatives to prevent upper secondary school dropout: organisational learning and institutional change at the local level

    Homme, Anne, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2017)
  • Prevention of early school leaving. How local policy enactment plays out in four Norwegian county municipalities.

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Homme, Anne (2017)
  • Governance capacity for reducing dropout from upper secondary education

    Helgøy, Ingrid, Homme, Anne, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2016)
  • Dropout policies in the transition between lower and upper secondary school in Norway

    Helgøy, Ingrid, Homme, Anne, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2016)
  • Reconfiguring health workforce: a case-based comparative study explaining the increasingly diverse professional roles in Europe

    de Bont, Antoinette, Van Exel, Job, Coretti, Silvia, ökem, Zaynep Güldem, Janssen, Maarten, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2016)
  • Dropout prevention policies in the transition between lower and upper secondary school.

    Helgøy, Ingrid, Homme, Anne, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2016)
  • Innovation and government initiatives: Organisational learning at the local level?

    Homme, Anne, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2015)
  • The Architecture of New Knowledge Factories: A Mode 2 Design?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2015)
  • Little skill mix – a problem for whom?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2015)
  • Forankring av internasjonalisering i læreplanverket

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2015)
  • A Need for New Methodological Communication in Comparative Higher Education Reseach Projects?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2015)
  • European Universities as Complete Organizations? Understanding Identity, Hierarchy and Rationality in Public Organizations

    Seeber, Marco, Lepori, Benedetto, Montauti, Martina, Enders, Jurgen, De Boer, Harry, Weyer, Elke (2015)
  • Implementation and governance: Current and future research on climate policies

    Rykkja, Lise H., Neby, Simon, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2014)
  • Mer makt til universitetstopper

    Bergstrøm, Ida Wevling, Nyhagen, Gigliola Mathisen, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2013)
  • Sterkere styring på toppen

    Aadland, Camilla, Nyhagen, Gigliola Mathisen, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2013)
  • Administrative traditions and implementation of higher education policies in European universities

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Nyhagen, Gigliola Mathisen (2013)
  • Insights on method and culture in an international higher education project

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2013)
  • Insights on method and culture in an international transdisciplinary project

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2013)
  • Science Transformed? Debating Claims of an Epochal Break

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2013)
  • Klimatiltak på Vestlandet. En innledende kartlegging

    Neby, Simon, Rykkja, Lise Hellebø, Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Olsen, Henning S (2012)
  • The Development and Implementation of Higher Education Policies

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2012)
  • The Development and Implementation of Higher Education Policies: Current Reforms and their Effects in four European countries

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2012)
  • Kvaliteten der blev væk. Kvalitetsreform og modernisering af den offentlige sektor

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2012)
  • Reforms of higher education systems in Europe – after 2007

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2011)
  • Reforming the unwillingly? Reform activities in higher education

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2011)
  • Presentasjon: Kartlegging av familie- og barnevernets tilbud til lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner

    Neby, Simon, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2011)
  • States, policy networks and academic power in higher education governance – the Changing Scope and Form of State-University Relationships

    Bleiklie, Ivar, Michelsen, Svein, Mathisen, Gigliola, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2011)
  • The Development and Implementation of Climate Change Policies: Current Research and Future Perspectives

    Rykkja, Lise Hellebø, Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Neby, Simon (2011)
  • Hvilke forventninbger har doktorgradskandidatene til arbeidslivet?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2011)
  • Configuring designers? Using one agile project management methodology to achieve user participation

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Seim, Eva Amdahl (2011)
  • Mer slagkraftige og effektive universiteter? Innføringen av enhetlig ledelse i universitetssektoren

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2011)
  • En kartlegging av karriereveier og erfaringer blant midlertidig vitenskaplig ansatte og nyansatte i vitenskaplig stilling ved UiB

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2010)
  • Drømmejobben

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Oppegård, Guri Gunnes (2010)
  • Kartlegging av familievernets og barnevernets tjenestetilbud til lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Neby, Simon (2010)
  • En kartlegging av karriereveier og erfaringer blant midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte og nyansatte i vitenskapelig stilling ved UiB

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2010)
  • Akademisk karriereforventning - karrierer i en ny tid?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2010)
  • Changing working roles, but no effect on the chain of command?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2010)
  • The Development and Implementation of Climate Change Policies: Current Research and Future Perspectives

    Rykkja, Lise Hellebø, Neby, Simon, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2010)
  • Mellom lokalisme og kompetanse. Evaluering av familieverntjenesten i Bufetat, region vest

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Loga, Jill M, Neby, Simon (2009)
  • Governing Stem Cell Research. Shaping Politics trrough Extreme Cases?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2009)
  • Årsmøte i Nettverk for organisasjonsforskning i Norge

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Neby, Simon (2009)
  • Den kunnskapsintensive arbeidsplass: Må vi dele?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2008)
  • Evaluering av styring og ledelse ved NTNU

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Ringkjøb, Hans-Erik, Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2008)
  • The Healing Potential as a Persuasive Creator?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2008)
  • Den kunnskapsintensive arbeidsplassen: Må vi dele?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2008)
  • Shaping politics through extreme cases and a state of exception?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2008)
  • Evaluering av styring og ledelse ved NTNU

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2008)
  • Bedre styring ved universitetene - er enhetlig ledelse svaret?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Rykkja, Lise Hellebø (2008)
  • Shaping politics through extreme cases

    Sivertsen, Silje Espeland, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2008)
  • Årsmøte i Nettverk for organisasjonsforskning i Norge

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Neby, Simon, Kristin, Rubecksen, Vidar, Rolland (2007)
  • Håp på vandring? Visjonsproduksjon innenfor stamcelleteknologi

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Changes in the performance of engineering work?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2007)
  • Hope and/or Hype? How Stem Cell Research Shape Expectations of the Future

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Stem Cells Expectations – to Materialize Hope and Faith?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Hope and Hype? How visions of the future connects to innovations in the biotechnology market

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Håp på vandring? Visjonsproduksjon innenfor stamcelleteknologi

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Changes in the performance of engineering work?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2007)
  • Hope and/or Hype? How Stem Cell Research Shape Expectations of the Future

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Hope and Hype? How visions of the future connects to innovations in the biotechnology market

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • Stem Cells Expectations – to Materialize Hope and Faith?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2007)
  • New Knowledge Objects? Exploring Cultures of Representation in Knowledge-Intensive Work

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • New Knowledge Objects? Exploring Cultures of Representation in Knowledge-Intensive Work

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Sørensen, Knut Holtan (2006)
  • Doktoren svarer

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • Doktoren svarer

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • In the market for experts of technology

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • The production of knowledge within engineering and the role of transdisciplinarity

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2006)
  • Who Configures Who?

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • New Interactional Expertise?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2006)
  • Hope and Hype framstilling av forskning? Tanker om hvordan undersøke visjoner og visjonsproduksjon innenfor stamcelleforskning

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • The hopeful industry? Vision creation connected to stem cell research

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Sivertsen, Silje (2006)
  • Hope and Hype framstilling av forskning? Tanker om hvordan undersøke visjoner og visjonsproduksjon innenfor stamcelleforskning

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • The hopeful industry? Vision creation connected to stem cell research

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Sivertsen, Silje Espeland (2006)
  • The production of knowledge within engineering and the role of transdisciplinarity

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2006)
  • Who configures who?

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • New Interactional expertise?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2006)
  • In the market for experts of technology

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2006)
  • The hopeful industry? Exploring vision production associated with stem cell research

    Sivertsen, Silje, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2005)
  • Polytechnical production of knowledge: What role for transdisciplinarity

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2005)
  • Body and soul of knowledge - how to dress knowledge

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2004)
  • Socializing the tehnology using a recipie?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2004)
  • Socialize the technology, using a recipe?

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2003)
  • Consulting in practice - knowledge work in the world of AI

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2003)
  • Consulting in practice - cross border working

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2003)
  • Forskingskultur og laboratoriestudiar: ei samanlinkning av tre ulike vinklingar

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2002)

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2002)

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2002)
  • Hvorfor er testing i systemutviklingsprosjekter utfordrende?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2002)
  • På leiting etter eit system?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • En prøve på etnografisk metode i sosiologi?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • Kva seier Karin Knorr Cetina om epistemiske kulturar?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • Kunnskapskultur i kunnskapsintensive organisasjonar

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • Får en endring i kunnskapskultur med nye organisasjonsformer?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • The Desire for a System? Image and Knowledge Creation in ICT- Consulting

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2001)
  • The Dilbert Experience? On Knowledge Culture in ICT- Project Work

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2001)
  • Individualitet vs. kollektivitet i Sintef Teknologiledelse

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2000)
  • Standardisation or Creativity? Are co-ordination, communication and control important for the understanding of methods in knowledge intensive firms?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Amdahl, Eva (2000)
  • Innanfor eller utanfor? Korleis kan ein analysera kunnskapskultur i kunnskapsintensive bedrifter?

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (2000)
  • Getting high on hightech

    Amdahl, Eva, Hope, Kristin Lofthus, Lea, Charlotte (1999)
  • ...og bakom ligg metoden. Konstruksjon av kultur i IKT-konsulentselskap. Rapport nr.45

    Hope, Kristin Lofthus (1999)