
Laila Margaret Nordstrand Berg

Field of work

• Comparative studies on public administration and organization theory subjects.
• Reforms and policy development in public sector.
• Comparative studies from market influences on management in private and public organizations.
• Management in health and higher education.
• Higher education and welfare development in society.
• Gender.

Courses taught
  • PHDINN903 Introduction to Innovation
  • PHDSINN907 Innovation in the Public Sector
  • MR691 Master thesis in Organization and Management
  • ME6-501 Research Design and Methods
  • SA6-504 Politics, Governand and Innovation in Public Sector
  • SA6-409 Politics, Governance and Change in Health and Social Welfare
Research areas
  • Comparative studies on public administration and organization theory subjects.
  • Reforms and policy development in public sector.
  • Comparative studies from market influences on management in private and public organizations.
  • Management in health and higher education.
  • Higher education and welfare development in society.
  • Higher education and regional development.
  • Gender.
Research groups

Co-leader of research pillar: Public Sector Innovation, HVL

Leader of research group: ISOS Innovasjon og styring i offentlig sektor, HVL

Affiliated member: GOLEP Governance and Leadership in Public Organisations, UiA
