Lykke Harmony Alara Guanio-Uluru
Field of work
Phd courses and supervision, MA courses and supervision
Literature and ethics, ecocriticism, cultural plant studies, videogame aesthetics, reading research
Courses taught
Literature and ethics, children's and YA literature, cultural plant studies, ecocriticism, game studies
Research areas
- Literature and ethics, video game aesthetics, plant studies, the posthuman, ecocriticism, game studies, children's and YA literature, climate change fiction, video games, digital apps
- MGBNO550, Norwegian 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
- MGUNO501, Norwegian 3, module 1 - Literature and literature didactics, 24/25
- MGUNO550, Norwegian 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
- MKUF501A, Literature in arts education, 24/25
- MKUF502A, Literature: Writing, analysis and dissemination, 24/25
- MKUF505, Project pre-design and contextual reflection, 24/25
- MKUF550, Master's thesis, 24/25
- NORU804N, Norwegian 2, module 2 - Language diversity and text diversity, 24/25
- PHD901, Bildung and pedagogical practices, 24/25
- PHD950, Doctoral thesis, 24/25
- UTE801, Didactic practices outdoors for engagement, exploration, and creativity, 24/25
- UTE802, Professional learning communities for didactic and aesthetic practices in schools, 24/25
Planter i skandinavisk barne- og ungdomslitteratur – en introduksjon
Planter i skandinavisk barne- og ungdomslitteratur – en introduksjon
Drivhuset og frøhvelvet: grønne topoi i Maja Lundes klimafiksjon Drømmen om et tre
Om kaffe og mose: planters rolle i skandinavisk klimafiksjon for ungdom 2002–2022
Planter i skandinavisk barne- og ungdomslitteratur – en introduksjon
Planter i skandinavisk barne- og ungdomslitteratur Bildebøker, klimafiksjon og sakprosa
Å lese barnelitteratur i et planteperspektiv: et bidrag til en radikal økodidaktikk
Seeds of latent hope: The figurative entwinement of children, adolescents, and plants in Maja Lunde’s “The Dream of A Tree”
Thinking with and about plants in children's and young adult literature
Thinking with and about plants in children's and Young adult literature
Seeds of Latent Hope: The Figurative Entwinement of Children, Adolescents, and Plants in Maja Lunde’s The Dream of a Tree
Plant tendrils in children's and young adult literature. An introduction.
Pakk dem i boblepast. Gutta i trehuset med 65 etasjer tuller med trygghetsidealet.
Møt Agatha Crispie og Doris Pastinakk Intertekstuelle referanser og plantehumor i Rørvik og Aalbus Purriot-serie
Samhandling med, og samtaler om, naturmiljøer i dataspill
Introduksjon til økokritiske dialoger
Økokritiske dialoger: Innganger til arbeid med bærekraft i lærerutdanningen
“We Feel the Roots of This Land Beneath the Soles of Our Bare Feet”: A Diffractive Reading of Plant Representation in Welcome to Country and The Rabbits
«We feel the roots of this land beneath the soles of our bare feet»: Relationships to land, and trees, in Welcome to Country & The Rabbits
Analyzing videogames as narrative and aesthetic experience
Plants in literature: other or kin
Planter i barne- og ungsomslitteratur
Ecocritical dialogues in teacher education.
26. Fantasy-litteratur. Samtale med litteraturvetar Lykke Guanio-Uluru
Spillestetikk. Om lyd og musikk i dataspill.
Å se planter i barnelitteratur med nye øyne - et kart for litterær planteanalyse
Teaching children’s literature through critical plant studies: Reflections on the Phyto-Analysis Map
Dataspill som danningsarena
The Reader as Player: Exploring the Notion of Aesthetic and Efferent Gaming
Digital danning: Dataspill som arena for selvrepresentasjon og lek med identitet(er)
Barnelitterære landskapskonstruksjoner. Økokritiske lesninger av tre danningsfortellinger.
Vegetable Violence: The Agency, Personhood and Rhetorical Role of Vegetables in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton’s The 52-Storey Treehouse
Introduction: Plants in Children's and Young Adult Literature
Plants in Children’s and Young Adult Literature
Analysing Plant Representation in Children’s Literature: The Phyto-Analysis Map
Embodying Environmental Relationship: A Comparative Ecocritical Analysis of Journey and Unravel
The Reader as Player: Exploring the Notion of Aesthetic and Efferent Gaming Modes
PLant Representation in Climate Fiction for Young Adults
Ecocritical Dialogues
THe Aesthetics of Video Gaming
Klima, bærekraft og artsmangfold: Fremstillinger av planter i nordisk klimafiksjon for ungdom
"Visste du at niendeklassingers spillvalg i stor grad er individuelle?"
The Fantasy of Wilderness: Reconfiguring Heroism in the Anthropocene, Facing the Age of Ecocentrism
Plantekarakterer i et utvalg nordisk barnelitteratur.
Dataspillestetikk: niendeklasseperspektiver.
Fantasy i et historisk perspektiv,
Paneldebatt. Øvelser i økokritisk tenkning.
Analyse av digitale spill
Developing UK and Norwegian undergraduate students’ conceptions of personal social issues in young adult fiction through transnational reflective exchange
Climate Fiction in Nordic Landscapes
Ecocritical Perspectives on Nordic Children's and Young Adult Literature
Dataspill som estetisk praksis
Climate Fiction for Young Adults: The Silence of Plants
Education for Sustainability: Developing Ecocritical Literature Circles in the Student Teacher Classroom
Digitale spill som litteraturformidlingsarena, førsteamanuensis Lykke Guanio-Uluru blir intervjuet av påtroppende faglig leder for forfatterutdanningen ved Norsk barnebokinstitutt Steffen Sørum
Skolens læreplan overser elevenes miljøengasjement
Imagining Climate Change: The Representation of Plants in Three Nordic Climate Fictions for Young Adults.
Økokritisk litteratursirkel
Reconfiguring the novel in a time of climate change
Digital Nature Representation: Ecocritical Perspectives on the Children’s App Kubbe Makes Shadow Theatre
"Blir jeg god nok slår jeg Blodstrupmoen". Digitale spill som litteraturformidlingsarena.
Science fantasy og det posthumane: Luridiumstyven av Bobbie Peers
The Representation of Plants in Nordic Young Adult Climate Fiction
Book report. Plant Theory: Biopower and Vegetable Life (2016) by Jeffrey T. Nealon
Feminine roller og maskulinitet. Performativt kjønn i Twilight og Hunger Games
Fantasy, the topos of wilderness and transhumanism: vampire ethics in Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight-series
Plant-Human Hybridity in the Story World of Kubbe
Developing Ecocritical Literature Circles
How does asynchronous online literary exchange further intercultural dialogue?
Ecocritical Perspectives on Children's Texts and Cultures: Nordic Dialogues
Digitale spill og litterære verdener
Fantasylitteratur for barn
Posthumanism in Teacher Education: Human-Nature Relationships
Book report Imagining Extinction: The Cultural Meanings of Endangered Species (2016) by Ursula K. Heise
Developing Eco-Critical Literature Circles in the EFL Classroom
Digital media, artist and plant: James Cameron’s Avatar – A Cure for Plant Blindness?
Developing UK and Norwegian undergraduate students’ conceptions of contemporary issues in young adult fiction through literature circles and reflective exchange
Katniss Everdeen’s Posthuman Identity in Suzanne Collins’s Hunger Games Series: Free as a Mockingjay?
War, games, and the ethics of fiction
Panel: Environmental fears 2 - To fear and care about nature
"Fortellerstrategier og leserhenvendelser i nordisk barnekrim: LasseMaja og Detektivbyrå nr. 2"
Book report: "How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics (1999"
“Ecocentric, Bio-semiotic and Anthropocentric Perspectives on the Norwegian Children’s Narrative Kubbe makes Shadow Theatre"
Digital Nature. Crafting Pleasure in the Children's App Kubbe makes Shadow Theatre
Spill som litterær opplevelse
Barnelitteraturens lammende naturidyller
Fri som en mockingjay: en posthumanistisk lesning av fuglen som symbol i Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games-trilogi.
Real War in A Gameworld: Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game", Terry Prachett's Only You Can Save Mankind and Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games
Litteratur, krig og spill
Krig som spill
Female focalizers and masculine Ideals: gender as performance in twilight and the hunger games
Ethics and Form in Fantasy Literature: Tolkien, Rowling and Meyer
Bokomslaget som tekstinngang og tolkningsressurs
Etikk og narrativ form i Tolkiens Ringenes Herre og Rowlings Harry Potter-serie
Doktoren svarer: Fantastiske verdier
Harry Potter is a goodie bag for the soul
Samtidas trollmenn
Harry Potter er en godtepose for din sjel
Jakten på Harry Potters sjel
Harry Potter-serien: barnebok blir voksenroman
Narrative Ethics in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
Best-selling Ethics: A Literary Analysis of Ethical Aspects of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series
Dumbledore's Ethos of Love in Harry Potter
"Fantasy at the Beginning of Two Centuries: Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings and J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series"
"Narrative Ethics in the Fantasy Genre: an Exploration of Narrative Ethics in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings"
"Literature and Ethics: the Emotional Link"
"Implied Ethics: Narrative Value Analysis Through the Concepts of Implied Author and Implied Reader"