
Magne Ingolv Espeland

Field of work

Magne I. Espeland is professor in Music and Education at West Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Campus Stord, in Norway. Specialities are curriculum development and innovation in music and arts education, educational design studies, research methodologies for education, master and Ph.D – supervision, research and project leadership, and consultancy services and evaluation of education. For a number of years he has been chairing the Research Program for Culture and Creativity Pedagogies (CCP) at HVL and MusicNet West, a network of higher music education in Western Norway. He was one of the founders of Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies (GRS). Nationally he has chaired and served on a number of Ministerial Committees from 1994 onwards, e.g. on new national curricula in music (1997) and music teacher education (2010) and in the Ministerial Expert Committee on art and culture in education, ”Det muliges kunst”, 2014. His current leadership activities include the scientific leadership of the research center "Center of Creativities, Arts and Science in Education" (CASE), which is home to Research & Development projects at the intersection of arts, science and creative education as well as being Principal Investigator in three NCR (National Research Council of Norway) funded research projects: 1)“Improvisation in Teacher Education” (IMTE) (2013- 2017), 2)"School and Concert- from transmission to Dialogue, (DiSco) (2016- 2020), and 3) "Building Sustainable Digital Practices in Kindergarten Literacy and Arts Programmes"(DigiSus) (2017- 2021). Professor Espeland also conducts advisory services for the Swedish Research Council and evaluation studies of Ph.D study programmes in education and music education for the Swedish UKEÅ, the national body for evaluation of higher education in Sweden. From 2019 to 2022 he is also a panel evaluator for the national FCT Humanities program in Portugal. He has many years of experience in commission work for evaluating promotion applications from academic colleagues, and has appeared regularly in Ph.d candidate assessment and as keynote speaker in many countries, including Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, China, Estonia, Ireland, Germany and the US.

Courses taught
  • Master in Creativity and learning processes (MaCrel)
Research areas
  • Dialogic school concerts
  • Sustainable digital practices in kindergartens
  • Teacher perceptions in arts education
  • Creative processes in arts education
Research groups


  • Towards transdisciplinarity in global integrated science-arts practices in education? A Janus approach

    Ben-Horin, Oded, Sotiriou, Menelaos, Espeland, Magne, Straksiene, Giedre (2023)
  • Towards a rationale for science-art integration as a transdisciplinary signature pedagogy

    Straksiene, Giedre, Ben-Horin, Oded, Espeland, Magne, Robberstad, Janne Iren (2022)
  • Music Education as Craft: Reframing a Rationale

    Espeland, Magne (2021)
  • Contours of Science-Art Education: Pedagogical Principles of Art in Science Teaching - Lessons from the Global Science Opera

    Straksiene, Giedre, Ben-Horin, Oded, Espeland, Magne, Holdhus, Kari Mette (2021)
  • Creativity, Educational Design and Teacher Education in the Global Trans-disciplinary Classroom - Key Note, NAFOL conference 2021

    Ben-Horin, Oded, Espeland, Magne, Robberstad, Janne Iren, Souza, Marcelo H. (2021)
  • Music Education as Craft - Reframing theories and practice

    Holdhus, Kari Mette, Murphy, Regina, Espeland, Magne (2021)
  • DiSkometoden - dialogbasert kunstner-lærersamarbeid

    Holdhus, Kari Mette, Romme, Jonas Cisar, Espeland, Magne, Rundberget, Egil (2021)
  • Skole og konsert – fra formidling til dialog. Sluttrapport fra et innovasjonsprosjekt

    Holdhus, Kari Mette, Romme, Jonas Cisar, Espeland, Magne (2021)
  • Kva kan vera berekraftig digital praksis og korleis utvikla kompetanse som støttar det?

    Grønsdal, Ingrid A. R., Espeland, Magne (2020)
  • Innovasjonsprosjektet Skole og konsert - fra formidling til dialog (DiSko): Erfaringsrapport 2019

    Holdhus, Kari Mette, Waade, Roy Aksel, Romme, Jonas Cisar, Almås, Rebecca, Espeland, Magne (2020)
  • Time for change in Nordic Music Teacher Education? (Roundtable)

    Christophersen, Catharina Renate, Onsrud, Silje Valde, Partti, Heidi, Espeland, Magne, Lonnert, Lia (2020)
  • Breaking the dualism of Art vs Pedagogy? Public schools as topoi for dialogic musical events?

    Holdhus, Kari Mette, Espeland, Magne, Romme, Jonas Cisar, Christophersen, Catharina Renate (2020)
  • Breaking the dualism of Art vs Pedagogy? Public schools as topoi for dialogic musical events?

    Holdhus, Kari Mette, Romme, Jonas Cisar, Almaas, Rebecca, Espeland, Magne (2020)
  • A Norwegian Perspective on Teacher Education

    Romme, Jonas Cisar, Espeland, Magne (2019)
  • Digital kompetanse i arbeid med språk og estetiske fag i barnehagen: Dei vaksne sitt perspektiv

    Grønsdal, Ingrid A. R., Borgenvik, Katrine, Fjellanger, Liv Ingrid, Aksnes, Kirsti, Hansen, Hannah Belsvik, Espeland, Åsmund (2019)
  • Presentation in teacher education. A study of student teachers’ transformation and representation of subject content using semiotic technology

    Kvinge, Øystein Røsseland, Smith, Kari, Espeland, Magne (2019)
  • Skole og konsert - fra formidling til dialog (DiSko): Erfaringsrapport 2019

    Holdhus, Kari Mette, Waade, Roy A, Romme, Jonas Cisar, Espeland, Magne (2019)
  • School and concert. From transmission to dialogue - Symposium presentation

    Holdhus, Kari Mette, Espeland, Magne, Waade, Roy A (2019)
  • Researching for Responsible and Innovative Practices in Education: Perspectives on Inclusivity/exclusivity and Methodological Challenges.

    Holdhus, Kari, Espeland, Magne, Ben-Horin, Oded, Arnesen, Trond Egil, Aadland, Helga (2018)
  • Innovasjonsprosjektet Skole og Konsert – frå Formidling til Dialog. Rapport nr 3, Produksjonsrapport I.

    Holdhus, Kari, Espeland, Magne (2018)
  • Performing the pre-formed: Towards a conceptual framework for understanding teaching as curricular transformation

    Kvinge, Øystein Røsseland, Espeland, Magne, Smith, Kari (2018)
  • Holdhus, K., Espeland, M. (2017) Innovasjonsprosjektet Skole og Konsert – fra Formidling til Dialog. Rapport nr 2, Tilstandsrapport.

    Holdhus, Kari, Espeland, Magne (2017)
  • Skole og konsert – fra formidling til dialog?

    Holdhus, Kari, Kvile, Synnøve, Espeland, Magne (2017)
  • Disciplined Improvisation as a Professional Teaching Skill in the Education of Physical Education Teachers: Towards Developing Sustainable Teacher Repertoires in Pre-service Programs?

    Aadland, Helga, Arnesen, Trond Egil, Espeland, Magne (2017)
  • Designing creative inter-disciplinary science and art interventions in schools: The case of Write a Science Opera (WASO)

    Ben-Horin, Oded, Chappell, Kerry, Halstead, Jill , Espeland, Magne (2017)
  • Music in Future Nordic Schooling - The Potential of the Relational Turn

    Holdhus, Kari, Espeland, Magne (2017)
  • Innovasjonsprosjektet Skole og konsert - fra formidling til dialog (DiSko) Intensjonsrapport 1, 2017.

    Holdhus, Kari, Espeland, Magne (2017)
  • Teachers´ Conceptions of Improvisation in Teaching: Inherent Human Quality or a Professional Teaching Skill?

    Mæland, Kjellfrid, Espeland, Magne (2017)
  • Towards a typology of improvisation as a professional teaching skill: Implications for pre-service teacher education programmes

    Aadland, Helga, Espeland, Magne, Arnesen, Trond Egil (2017)
  • Kuntfagene Åpner Dørene for Realfag og Seg Selv

    Espeland, Magne Ingolv, Ben-Horin, Oded (2016)
  • Conceptualizing "Improvisation" as a Key Curricular Concept in Music Teaching

    Espeland, Magne, Holdhus, Kari, Kvinge, Øystein Røsseland, Espeland, Åsmund (2016)
  • Improvisasjon i lærerutdanning

    Singh, Oksana, Engelsen, Knut Steinar, Espeland, Magne (2016)
  • Implementing Improvisation as a Key Curricular Concept in Pre- service Teacher Education

    Espeland, Magne, Aadland, Helga, Arnesen, Trond Egil (2016)
  • Ny rammeplan for femårige grunnskolelærerutdanninger – utfordringer og muligheter for musikkfaget

    Dyndahl, Petter, Espeland, Magne, Furnes, Odd Torleiv (2016)
  • Improvisation in teaching and education - roots and applications

    Holdhus, Kari, Høisæter, Sissel M., Mæland, Kjellfrid, Vangsnes, Vigdis, Engelsen, Knut Steinar, Espeland, Magne (2016)
  • Disciplined Improvisation as a professional Teaching Skill in the education of physical education teachers

    Espeland, Magne, Aadland, Helga (2015)
  • Konsertdidaktikk

    Holdhus, Kari, Espeland, Magne (2015)
  • Disciplined Improvisation as Professional Teaching Skills in the Education of Physical Education Teachers

    Aadland, Helga, Espeland, Magne, Arnesen , Trond Egil (2014)
  • Stjerneopplevelser eller gymsalsestetikk? En studie av kvalitetsoppfatninger i skolekonsertpraksiser

    Holdhus, Kari, Espeland, Magne (2014)
  • The relational turn i aesthetics and education. Towards a new and radical rationale for music education

    Holdhus, Kari, Espeland, Magne (2014)
  • ”Kjekt å ha!”: læraroppfatningar av praktiske og estetiske fag på barnesteget i grunnskulen

    Aadland, Helga, Espeland, Magne, Grønsdal, Ingrid A. R., Arnesen , Trond Egil, Sømoe, Kjetil (2014)
  • Improvisation in Teacher Education: Curricula and Practice in Dynamic Interplay (IMTE)

    Engelsen, Knut Steinar, Espeland, Magne (2013)
  • Educational Design Research in Teacher Education Programmes - a Renewing Research Approach for Professional Teacher Development

    Aadland, Helga, Espeland, Magne (2013)
  • Skolefagundersøkelsen 2011 Praktiske og estetiske fag på barnesteget i norsk grunnskole

    Espeland, Magne, Arnesen , Trond Egil, Grønsdal, Ingrid A. R., Holthe, Asle, Sømoe, Kjetil, Wergedahl, Hege (2013)
  • The Visiting Artist in Schools: Arts Based or School Based Practices?

    Holdhus, Kari, Espeland, Magne (2013)
  • Research and research education in music – disciplinary or interdisciplinary approach?

    Schei, Tiri Bergesen, Espeland, Magne, Stige, Brynjulf (2013)
  • Responsible facilitators at the Ph.d.-days in connection to Nordic Network for Research in Music Education

    Schei, Tiri Bergesen, Espeland, Magne (2013)
  • 21. Century Research Education in the Arts: A Disciplinary or Interdisciplinary Approach?

    Schei, Tiri Bergesen, Stige, Brynjulf, Espeland, Magne (2012)
  • Creating in music learning contexts

    Wiggins, Jackie, Espeland, Magne (2012)
  • Praktiske og estetiske fag og lærerutdanning: en utredning

    Espeland, Magne, Allern, Tor-Helge, Carlsen, Kari, Kalsnes, Signe (2011)
  • Skolefagsundersøkelsen 2009: Utdanning, skolefag og teknologi

    Vavik, Lars Ingebrigt, Andersland, Svein, Arnesen , Trond Egil, Arnesen , Thomas, Espeland, Magne, Flatøy, Ingunn (2010)
  • Educational progress or stasis on the outskirts of Europe

    Bjørnstad, Fred Ola, Espeland, Magne (2010)
  • One Hundred Years of Music Listening in Schools: Can Research Inform us About its Effects?

    Espeland, Magne (2010)
  • Dichotomies in music education - real or unreal?

    Espeland, Magne (2010)
  • Music teacher practise orientations and efficient integration of computer technology: Only for creative teachers?

    Espeland, Magne, Grønsdal, Ingrid A. R. (2010)
  • A century of music listening in schools : toward practices resonating with cultural psychology?

    Espeland, Magne (2010)
  • Musikk: musikkundervisninga på ungdomstrinnet og bruk av IKT - eit tenleg instrument for heile musikkfaget?

    Grønsdal, Ingrid A. R., Espeland, Magne (2010)
  • Music teacher practise orientations and efficient integration of computer technology: Only for creative teachers?

    Grønsdal, Ingrid A. R., Espeland, Magne (2010)
  • Kulturskolen og skolen

    Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • DKS og skolen- underhaldning eller danning?

    Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Kunstfaga i skolen-forsøk på ein perspektiverande tilstandsrapport

    Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Dichotomies in music education: Real or unreal?

    Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Nora's Story and the Mirror of Music Teacher Exellence

    Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Ceol Abu!, Rang 5&6

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Ceol Abu!, Lámhlebhar an mhúinteora. Rang 5&6 (lærarrettleiing)

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Ceol Abu!, Rang 4 (cd)

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Ceol Abu!, Rang 4 (elevbok)

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Ceol Abu!, Lámhlebhar an mhúinteora. Rang 4 (lærarrettleiing)

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Ceol Abu!, Rang 3 (cd)

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Ceol Abu!, Rang 3 (elevbok)

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Ceol Abu!, Lámhlebhar an mhúinteora. Rang 3 (lærarrettleiing)

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Kreativitet i den norske skulekvardagen- eit spørsmål om å drikka tran eller heilt andre ting?

    Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Korleis står det til med musikkopplæringa i Noreg?

    Fosse, Espen, Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • To store undersøkingar om musikkfaget- bli med!

    Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Lights and shadows in the instructional use of ICT: The Norwegian Stord studies; Teachers' evaluation of ICT usage in Art and Crafts, Music education and PE

    Sømoe, Kjetil, Arnesen, Trond Egil, Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • Lights and shadows in the instructional use of ICT: The Norwegian Stord studies; Teachers? evaluation of ICT usage in Art and Crafts, Music education and PE

    Sømoe, Kjetil, Arnesen, Trond Egil, Espeland, Magne (2009)
  • International Handbook of Research in Arts Education - The Project (Symposium Convenor)

    Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Creative music education in schools and an internet based educational environment: What are the possibilities and challenges and how will music education be affected? (Symposium Convenor)

    Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Digital arenas in music education: Framing artistic and educational learning and practices?

    Espeland, Magne, Andersen, Vidar, Arnesen, Ingrid Grønsdal (2007)
  • Upbeat. CD 2. Music Fifth+Sixth Class

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Upbeat. CD 1. Music Fifth+Sixth Class

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Upbeat. CD. Music Fourth Class

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Upbeat. CD. Music Third Class

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Upbeat. CD. Music Second Class

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Upbeat. CD. Music First Class

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Ceol Abú! Naíonáin

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Making Connections in Assessment and Evaluation in Arts Education

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Debatt om skapende læring

    Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Den kulturelle skolesekken og framtida

    Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Ceol Abú! Naíonáin [Music Infants]

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Ceol Abú! Naíonáin. L´amhleabhar an mh`uinteora (Teacher's Resource Book)

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Compositional Process as Discourse and Interaction. A study of Small Group Music Composition Processes in a School Context

    Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Making connections in assessment and evaluation in arts education

    Espeland, Magne, Murphy, Regina (2007)
  • A Nordic Perspective on Creativity in Music

    Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • A Scandinavian Perspective on Music Curriculum Research

    Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Compositional process as discourse and interaction : a study of small group music composition processes in a school context

    Espeland, Magne (2007)
  • Digital arenas in music education: Framing artistic and educational learning and practices?

    Espeland, Magne, Grønsdal, Ingrid A. R., Andersen, Vidar (2007)
  • Musikklæraren i framtida - brei eller smal?

    Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Den kulturelle skolesekken - kunstnarleg krydder eller varig danning?

    Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Upbeat. Music Fifth+Sixth Class. Teachers Resource Book

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Upbeat. Music Fifth+Sixth Class

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Upbeat. Music Fourth Class

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Upbeat. Music Fourth Class. Teachers Resource Book

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Upbeat. Music Third Class. Teachers Resource Book

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Upbeat. Music Third Class

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Upbeat. Music Second Class

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Upbeat. Music Second Class. Teachers Resource Book

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Upbeat. Music First Class. Teachers Resource Book

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Upbeat. Music First Class

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Upbeat. Music Infants. Teacher's Resource Book

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • UPBEAT, Music First Class - Pupils Book

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • UPBEAT, Music Infants

    Murphy, R, Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Internet-based Creative Music Education/Educación musical creativa, basada en Internet

    Grønsdal, Ingrid A. R., Espeland, Magne (2006)
  • Lyttemetodikk. Ressursbok

    Espeland, Magne (2004)
  • Kultur for innovasjon? Om grunnleggende ferdigheter i Stortingsmelding nr.30, Kultur for læring

    Espeland, Magne (2004)
  • Sullivan, Timothy & Willingham, Lee. (Eds.) (2002). Creativity and Music Education

    Espeland, Magne (2004)
  • Lyttemetodikk : ressursbok

    Espeland, Magne (2004)
  • "Ei blot tiil lyst" - eit sporskifte i oppvekstpolitikken

    Espeland, Magne (2003)
  • The African drum: the compositional process as discourse and interaction in school context

    Espeland, Magne (2003)
  • Compositional process as discourse and interaction - a study of small group composition processes in a school context

    Espeland, Magne (2003)
  • The African drum : the compositional process as discourse and interaction in a school context

    Espeland, Magne (2003)
  • Arts based 4 year programme in teacher education : a better approach to teaching the aesthetics?

    Kalsnes, Signe, Espeland, Magne, Meek, Anne, Samuelsen, Arne Marius, Strobelt, Michael (2002)
  • Lyttemetodikk. Studiebok

    Espeland, Magne (2001)
  • Lyttemetodikk : studiebok

    Espeland, Magne (2001)
  • Integrative Music Education for a Multicultural Europe - Is it possible in Norway?

    Espeland, Magne (2000)
  • "Curriculum reform in Norway" - an insider's perspective

    Espeland, Magne (1999)
  • Musisering i klasserommet - Hefte 4: Ut i verda - Til Europa

    Andersen, Vidar, Espeland, Magne, Husebø, Per Kristian (1999)
  • Lyttemetodikk II

    Espeland, Magne (1998)
  • Å jul med din glede

    Espeland, Magne, Husebø, Per Kristian, Andersen, Vidar (1998)
  • "Once upon a time there was a minister"

    Espeland, Magne (1998)
  • Musisering i klasserommet. Folketoner . Hefte 2

    Husebø, Per Kristian, Espeland, Magne, Andersen, Vidar (1997)
  • Musisering i klasserommet. Folketoner. Hefte 1

    Espeland, Magne, Husebø, Per Kristian, Andersen, Vidar (1997)
  • Komponering i klasserommet - en praktisk metodikk

    Espeland, Magne, Andersen, Vidar, Husebø, Britt Aalberg, Husebø, Per Kristian (1997)
  • Once upon a time there was a minister: An unfinished story about reform in Norwegian arts education

    Espeland, Magne (1997)
  • Filibong - eit brettspel for musikalsk læring

    Espeland, Magne (1997)
  • What are they going to listen to? Problems and opportunities in the selection og music for educational listening in Schools

    Espeland, Magne (1997)
  • Formative research in Norwegian Primary Schools: a collaborative endeavour

    Espeland, Magne (1994)
  • Musikk i bruk . Lyttemetodikk

    Espeland, Magne (1992)
  • Musikk i bruk - musikksamling for grunnskolen/Music in Use - Selections of Music for Schools

    Espeland, Magne (1991)
  • Music in Use, responsive music listening in the primary school

    Espeland, Magne (1987)
  • Hør lydene : musikk og språkstimulering med små barn / K. M. Chacksfield, P. A. Binns, V. M. Robins ; oversatt og bearbeidet av Magne Espeland

    Espeland, Magne (1983)