Associate Professor

Masego Katisi

Field of work

Masego Katisi is a Social Work practitioner and a Health Promotion specialist. She holds a Masters Degree in Child Welfare and Applied Childhood Studies from Swansea University, Wales UK and a PhD in Health Promotion and Development from University of Bergen, Norway. Her main theoretical interests are Systemic theories, Resilience, Salutogenesis and other strength-based approaches. Her current research projects are on resilience of marginalized children, families, and adult populations. She is currently doing research on migration in Norway and on orphaned children in Sab Saharan Africa. She is part of several international research networks for refugees in Norway.

Masego has published several peer-reviewed articles including the following: On Health Partnerships: Aspirations and realities in a North-South partnership for health promotion;Tensions between traditional practices and biomedical marketing;Exploring the roots of antagony in health partnerships. On Resilience and Salutogenesis: Fostering resilience in children who have been orphaned; The use of rites of passage in strengthening the psychosocial wellbeing of orphaned children; Drawing as a salutogenic therapy aid for grieving adolescents (upcoming)  Readmore:
