- MGBNA401, Natural Science 2, module 2 - The living nature 2, 24/25
- MGBPES201, Pedagogy and pupil-related skills, module 2, 24/25, subject responsible
- MGUPE101, Pedagogy and pupil-related skills, module 1 - The role of the teacher and pupils’ learning and development, 24/25
- MGUPE201, Pedagogy and pupil-related skills, module 2 – The teacher and the pupil in diverse learning environments, 24/25
- MGUPE401, Pedagogy and pupil-related skills, module 4 - The research-informed, innovative and ethically conscious teacher , 24/25, subject responsible
- MGUSP550, Special pedagogy 2, module 2 - Master's thesis, 24/25
- PHD950, Doctoral thesis, 24/25
Eksperimentelle design for å undersøke kausale sammenhenger: Hvordan kan X påvirke Y i klasserommet?
Måling, strukturer og manglende ontologisk fundament: En respons til Kleven og Price
Måling i kvantitativ utdanningsforskning: Et instrumentelt mistak?
Do lectures matter? Exploring students’ situational interest in two learning arenas in teacher education
Femårig grunnskolelærerutdanning – slik studentene beskriver den
Interest in teacher education: exploring the relation between student teacher interest and ambitions in teacher education
Masteroppgaven i GLU
Interesting, but Less Interested: Gender Differences and Similarities in Mathematics Interest
Making math interesting. An experimental study of interventions to encourage interest in mathematics
Making math interesting. An experimental study of interventions to encourage interest in mathematics
Eliciting Mathematics Interest: New Directions for Context Personalization and Example Choice
Triggering and maintaining situational interest with context personalization and example choice
Matematikkinteresse: En annerledes utfordring i skolen
Supporting interest of middle school students in mathematics through context personalization and example choice
The effect of personalization and example choice on students' interest in mathematics
Økt interesse for læring