Field of work
Associate Professor in Nursing and Interprofessional Collaborative Competences, Faculty of health and social sciences, Unit for master’s in clinical nursing. Previous work experience as a nurse in acute ward, in pediatric wards, pulmonary wards and in home-based care.
Extensive experience as a teacher and practice supervisor and have also experience within education management and project management through positions as elected head of nursing program (1998-2003), Head of Department of Further Education (2009-2011), Coordinator for master’s program in Clinical Nursing (2015-2018) and as project manager in developing digital-supported master’s degree programs in in clinical nursing, across three campuses.
Engaged in development of interprofessional education and practice, and the interaction between education and practice. Coordinator for interprofessional education in HiB/HVL 2009-2020. Deputy leader of TVEPS 2012-forts.
Institution responsible for suitability assessment HVL-Bergen from 2021.
Engaged in educational policy work and was elected representative from scientific staff on the board of HiB/HVL for two periods from 2011-2019
Courses taught
Interprofessional education and colaborative practice
Research areas
Interprofessional education and colaborative practice
TPS-grupper i praksis (Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring i praksisstudier) Delprosjekt 1b i OPERASJON BACHELORPRAKSIS, FHS
Evidence of validity for the Norwegian version of the interprofessional collaborative competency attainment survey (ICCAS)
Kapittel 7: Verdier i profesjonell og tverrprofesjonell samhandling
Sustainable development through collaboration in education between the North and the South: A comparison of interprofessional educational activities
Interprofessional education as a contributor to professional and interprofessional identities
New arenas for interprofessional work training in Western Norway
Rapport: Videreføring av studieopplegget "Nettbasert TPS i Vest"
Betydningen av å utvikle tverrprofesjonell samarbeidskompetanse: Efaringer fra TVEPS som arena for tverrprofesjonell utdanning
Student Interprofessional Workplace Learning and Payoff for Patient Safety within Nursing Home Learning
Law students in teams with health professional students. The experiences from students and nursing home staff
Aligning interprofessional education with transforming health care?
Co-designing a blended learning interprofessional education qualification through a north- south collaboration: Lessons learnt
Internasjonal godkjenning av norsk anestesiutdanning
«TPS i Vest» - Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring ved seks utdanningsinstitusjonar på Vestlandet - Ein pilot
Educating change agents. A qualitative descriptive study of graduates of a Master’s program in evidence-based practice.
Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring I UH-nett Vest. Rapport frå TPS-abeidsgruppa
Å utdanne endringsagenter: ein kvalitativ deskriptiv studie av tidlegare studenter i Master i Kunnskapsbasert praksis sin kompetanse
A user-role in online interprofessional learning
Kvalifisering for tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid i helse- og sosialsektoren
Masterstudentar i kunnskapsbasert praksis; deira opplevingar og erfaringar under og etter studiet
Ekstern evaluering av Bachelorstudiet i radiografi, Avdeling for Helse- og Sosialfag, Høgskolen i Bergen. Rapport fra Komité
An Interprofessional, collaborative learning unit: Development, implementation and evaluation within a framework of action research
Sykepleierutdanningens forskningstilknytning The Integration of Research in Nursing Education