Associate Professor

Tove Ask

Field of work

Ph.d. at the University of Bergen from 2016. Title:  " Function evaluation and work participation of health care workers with musculoskeletal disorders". 

Specialist in general physiotherapy from 2001. I have worked in clinical practice for 35 years in primæry helath care and specialist helath services, included occupational health service. From 1998 I have been working in an outpatient spine clinic. The main focus has been on examination and treatment of neck pain, pain management, functional evaluation and work participation. 

For many years I have been associated as lector/examinator at HVL, physiotherapy section.  I have supervised many bachelor- and master thesis and also one ph.d. projcct. Experiences with both qualitative and quantitative methods. From august 2019 I have worked 50 % at HVL as assosiated professor, and from august 2020 in 100 % position.

Courses taught

Evidence- based practice

Health promotion and preventive work

Training in practical skills

Research areas

Musculoskeletal disorders and sick leave

Function evaluation

Health and work

Neck pain and dizziness
