Field of work

Professor Yansong Zhao's research interests are ionic liquids, renewable energy (new generation batteries and supercapacitors), biotechnology, new medicine design, CO2 capture, polymer and catalysis science. He is Group Leader of Ionic Liquids and Advanced Technology Reserch Group at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. He has >100 publications. The peer-reviewed journal articles have been published in Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Energy & Fuels, Fuels, AIChE J., Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control, RSC Advances, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, J. Chem. Eng. Data, Fluid Phase Equilib., J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., Chem. Eng. Technol., Journal of Molecular Liquids, Micro & Nano Letters, Current Organic Chemistry, Science China Chemistry, J. Dispersion Science and Technology, Computers and Applied Chemistry. These journal articles have been cited for ~1600 times according to Google Scholar; h index is 22.

Please feel free to contact me ( if you are interested to work or study at my research group. We have opportunities for bachelor and master lelvel projects. In addiiton, we have possibilities for PhD and postdoctoral research fellow projects.

On going PhD projects at Yansong's research group

PhD project 1: PhD project in battery technology

PhD project 2: PhD project in geothermal energy storage

PhD project 3: PhD project in Ionic liquid for helalth science application


Previous students/researchers and projects at Yansong's research group:

Yuchao Li: Reserch topic: Ionic liquids based culture medium

Yuli Kou: Reserch topic: Ionic liquids for algae battery

Huishuang Zhao: Reserch topic: Ionic liquids for metal extraction
Liyuan Li: Exchange PhD student from China. Reserch topic: Ionic liquids for battery
Carmen Bolufer: Exchange student from Spain. Reserch topic: Ionic liquids for battery
Lisa Hendrickx: Exhange student from Belgium. Reserch topic: Ionic liquids for battery
Roba R S Ayyad: Reserch topic: Ionic liquids for anti-cancer drug
Hiep Vo Tran: Reserch topic: Ionic liquids for anti-cancer drug
Quyen Lily Dinh: Reserch topic: Ionic liquids for battery
Mette Solheim Totland: Reserch topic: Ionic liquids for battery

Qingshang Zhu: Ionic liquids for anti-cancer drug applications
Sine Brynestad Stokke, Ana Eleah Kleppe & Marius Olsen Lien: Ionic liquids for new battery technology development
Andreas Valle Hansen, Aurora Elisabeth Opsund, Henriette Gjendine Hjerpaasen: Ionic liquids for new anticancer drug development
Marianne Eide, Martin Andreas Wiken, Johanne Charlotte Jakobsen: Examination of oxygen concentration in nitrogen system at Kollsnes processing plant
Cheima Ouerfelli, Ingrid Lekve Handeland: Removal of H2S-rich gas using absorption tower T-5103
Jon Andreas Mortensen, Michal Mateusz Napolski, Matiowos Tesfamariam Tecle: Stabilization of water levels in sour water tank at the Equinor Mongstad refinery
Emilie Herrera Thomsen, Mathias Vatne Nicolaysen: Prosess optimalization of propane cooling circut for oil and gas production and prosessing
Anthony Mikael Celse Offerdal, Kim Martin Toledo Sviland: Monitoring Tool Development for Process Optimization of Heat Exchanger in Oil and Gas Process
Link of homepage of Yansong's research group (Ionic Liquids and Advanced Technology Reserch Group) is as follows:


The list of selected publications is as follows:

Personal webpage 1:

Personal webpage 2:

Personal webpage 3:

In addition, he is a reviewer for project submitted to U. S. Department of Energy. He is also a reviewer for the journals of Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Energy & Fuels, Fuels, Langmuir, Electrochimica Acta, Advanced Functional Materials, Separation Science and Technology, Mini-review in organic chemistry, Letters in Organic Chemistry, Open Physics, Journal of Chemical Engineering&Data, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering and etc. In average, Yansong reviews ca. 30 peer-review articles every year. 

Yansong Zhao's teaching work is relevant to process technology. He is the teacher for the courses of: " Unit operation of Chemical engineering: Heat transfer (KJE106)" and "Process monitor and process regulation (KJE108)".

Granted research projects:

Development of novel high charging speed method for batteries, UH-nett Vest, 2020-2021

Sino-Norwegian collaborative research programme on novel battery fabrication using ionic liquids and nanotechnology, Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education, 2019-2022.

Granted project for purchasing equipment, Grant at UiT, 2016 (applied for this funding together with Prof. Tobias Boström).
Travel grant, UNIFOR, 2012.
Main projects under applications:
(1) Next-generation battery for energy storage;
(2) Ionic liquids for biotechnology

Yansong's research group is open to R&D copperation with academic institustion and/or industrial partners. Please feel free to contact with research group leader ( if you are interested in possible R&D copperation.


Work/Education Experiences

26.01.2024-Present: Full professor (permanent position) at Department of Safety, Chemistry and Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway

05.2019-Present: Leader of Ionic liquids and Advanced Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway

21.09.2017-25.01.2024: Associate professor (permanent position) at Department of Safety, Chemistry and Biomedical Laboratory Sciences, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway

14.08.2014-20.09.2017: Post doctor research fellow (Full time) at Department of Physics and Technology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway

Feb.2017-Aug.2017: Visiting scientist at Helmholtz Institute Ulm, Germany

14.12.2013-13.08.2014 Researcher at Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway

07.07.2011-13.12.2013 PhD Candidate at Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway (He received his PhD degree in Chemical Engineering in December 2013)

Aug. 2008-Jun. 2011 Master student at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences and received his master degree in Chemical Engineering

Oct. 2007-Aug. 2008 Graduation Project for Bachelor Degree at Group of Ionic Liquids Clean Process and Energy-saving, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P. R. China

Sep. 2004-Jun. 2008 Bachelor student at College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan University and received his bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering and Technology


Academic Awards: 

2013-2014: 2013 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad

2011-2012: Be nominated for 2012 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad

2010-2011: Director Scholarship (Excellent Prize) of Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and excellent researcher of Group of Ionic Liquids Clean Process and Energy-saving at Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2009-2010: Director Scholarship of Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences and excellent researcher of Group of Ionic Liquids Clean Process and Energy-saving at Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2008-2009: Excellent researcher of Group of Ionic Liquids Clean Process and Energy-saving at Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2007-2008: Be admitted into the graduate program directly because Total GPA Ranked 2nd Place of 114 Classmates in bachelor study, Chinese National Lizhi scholarship, Excellent dissertation for bachelor’s degree

2006-2007:  Scholarship of the university, excellent students for the university and Scholarship of China Construction Bank

2005-2006: Chinese National scholarship, excellent students for the university and excellent students’ leader for the university

2004-2005: Scholarship of the university and excellent students for the university


Courses taught
  • Battery Technology (KJE205)
  • Energy Storage (KJE204)
  • Heat transfer (KJE203)
  • MAS534 Electrochemistry for Batteries, Electrolyzers and Fuel Cell Systems

Research areas


  • Ionic liquids
  • Renewable energy
  • New generation battery
  • Biotechnology
  • Life science
  • Solar cells
  • Supercapacitors
  • Nanotechnology
  • CO2 capture
  • Oil & gas
  • Catalysis science
  • New medicine design
Research groups
