Field of work

I have Ph.d on marine structures (NTNU, Norway). The doctorial thesis is about the ship and iceberg impacts, in which I developed analytical and numerical methods on calculating the ice loads. My master and bachelor are on naval architecture and ocean engineering (both in SJTU, China). I also have more than 10 years' Oil & Gas industry experience with focus on design and integrity check of various offshore structures.  
My expertises are on following areas:

1. Finite element analysis (FEM) by Abaqus Implicit/Explict or ANSYS/Ls-Dyna
2. Naval architecture and ocean engineering, including SURF engineering, structure design, marine operation, fatigue assessement, field development and integrity management etc.
3. Impact mechanics. Ship collision, dropped objects and explosion etc.
4. Arctic engineering including ice mechanics and structure-ice interactions etc.
5. Programming in Python/Fortran/Matlab. Pre and post- data process, supervised machine learning.

Courses taught

ING2049 Undervannsteknologi og hydrauliske systemer

Research areas

Strong interests on following topics:

1. Large deformation of offshore structures
2. Fatigue assessment
3. Subsea SURF technology
4. Impact mechanics
5. Ice mechanics
