Research Librarian

Anna Sambor

Anna Sambor
Email: Send email
VI, VIE1003

Field of work

Local coordinator and research librarian in the Unit of Patron Services, campus Førde.

Professional duties

  • General management of the campus library in Førde, focusing on user needs
  • Management of the library premises, equipment, the physical collections and staffing at the information desk
  • First line services, interlibrary loans and journals in Førde
  • Assisting and guiding students and employees in finding, using and citing sources in academic writing
  • Member of the HVL Library group for the dissemination of information and knowledge; Focus on exhibitions, events and other dissemination activities in Førde

Courses taught

Literature searching and reference management for new students.


  • Bachelor's degree in Scandinavian Studies from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)
  • Master's degree in Scandinavian languages and literature from the University of Bergen
  • Postgraduate studies in library and information science and dissemination of information and knowledge from OsloMet
  • Course in digital humanities from Harvard University