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Associate Professor
Erik Eikeland
Courses taught
- MGBMA550, Mathematics 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
- MGUMA101, Mathematics 1, module 1 - Teaching in mathematics, 24/25
- MGUMA102, Mathematics 1, module 1 - Teaching in mathematics, 24/25
- MGUMA201, Mathematics 1, module 2 - Learning in mathematics, 24/25
- MGUMA202, Mathematics 1, module 2 - Learning in mathematics, 24/25
- MGUMA301, Mathematics 2, module 1 - perspectives on mathematics, 24/25
- MGUMA401, Mathematics 2, module 2 - Problem solving and mathematical literacy, 24/25, subject responsible
- MGUMA550, Mathematics 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
- MGUMAT302, Mathematics 2, module 1 - Perspectives on Mathematics, 24/25
- MGUMAT402, Mathematics 2, subject 2 - Problem solving and action competence, 24/25, subject responsible