Field of work
Ph.D fellow in Music Education (Musikk pedagogikk). My Ph.D project is a mixed-method study in the new 5-year General Teacher Education with music specialism in Norway. The focus is on the pre-service music student teachers. Their background, competance, motivation, assessment of their education, their beliefs and their prospects for the future as a generalist music teacher in primary schools.
My theory foundations is Cultural-Historical Activity History, Socio-Cultural Theory, Critical Pedagogy, Public Pedagogy and Educational Philosophy.
I'm part of the research project Music Teacher Education for the Future (FUTURED) Which is a NFR funded project initiated by HVL and OsloMET.
Courses taught
Rhythmic and popular music
Composition, improvisation, ear training, accompaniment and instrument. (Piano, guitar, bass, vocals and percussion/percussion)
Community music
Project work and project management
Music pedagogy and didactics
Supervision and guidance on text and expression
Arrangement planning
Music technology
Research areas
The subject of music in the new 5-year General Teacher Education with music specialism/ Musikkfaget i den nye 5-årige Grunnskolelærerutdanningen
Å være stipendiat i et større forskningsprosjekt
Hva vet vi om studentene som velger musikk i lærerutdanningen?
Who are the music student teachers in Norwegian generalist teacher education? A cross-sectional survey
“Who are the music student teachers in Norwegian general teacher education? A cross-sectional survey
Musikklærarutdanning for framtida