Field of work
I am a geographer and my areas of interest are rural and regional policies and planning. My research include studies of migration, gender relations and sustainable transitions.
Courses taught
Social and cultural geography
Qualitative and quantitative methods
- FHA112, Introduction to public health work, 24/25
- FHA412, Social planning and social sciences methodology, 24/25, subject responsible
- MGBSA503, Social studies 3, module 3 - Research methods and source critisism, 24/25, subject responsible
- MGUSA231, Social studies 1, module 2 - Introduction to social studies 2, 24/25
- MGUSA301, Social studies 2, module 1 - Specialization in social science 1, 24/25
- MGUSA401, Social studies 2, module 2 - Specialization in social science 2, 24/25
- MGUSA501, Social studies 3, module 1 - Social studies research and literature, 24/25, subject responsible
- MGUSA502, Social studies 3, module 2 - Society, education and learning, 24/25
- MGUSA503, Social studies 3, module 3 - Research methods and source critisism, 24/25
- MGUSA550, Social studies 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
Suksess eller katastrofe? Utviklingstrekk etter rettighetsfesting av brukerstyrt personlig assistanse (BPA)
Corporate Social Responsibility, education and job training
Hva har småkommunene fått ut av Byregionprogrammet?
The TAF-model (VET). A perfect match between vocational training and academic skills?
Nærbutikken – klar til innsats for bygd og kommune. Resultat, erfaringer og læringsverdi fra pilotprosjektet «kommunen og nærbutikken»