PhD Candidate

Haakon Kristian Kvidaland

Field of work

Employed at the Institute for Master's in Clinical Nursing in a PhD fellowship position. I am educated as a physiotherapist at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and have completed a Master's in Health Sciences at the University of Bergen.

Previously, I have worked in primary and secondary health services as a physiotherapist, in Bergen municipality and at Haukeland University Hospital (HUS) respectively. At HUS, in addition to a work in a clinic for patients with exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction (EILO) and research projects related to long-term lung and heart diseases, I was also responsible for coordination and quality at the heart and lung test labs in the Vitality Center for Children and Youth. Part of the position was exclusively dedicated to research on EILO, by examining treatment options in a randomized controlled trial, as well as the prevalence of EILO among patients with asthma.

Courses taught
  • Pulmonary function measurements
  • Cardio Pulmonary Exercise test 
  • Skilltraining in physiotherapy
Research areas
  • Pilot RCT study for COPD follow-up in general practice (PhD project led by DiaBEST)
  • Exercise-induced laryngeal obstruction (EILO)
  • Childhood cancer survivors
  • Children and adolescents with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
