
  • Critical democratic competence, empowerment and block and text-based programming in mathematics education

    Hauge, Inge Olav, Lie, Johan (2022)
  • Programming in the classroom as a tool for developing critical democratic competence in mathematics

    Hauge, Inge Olav, Lie, Johan, Abtahi, Yasmine, Nilsen, Anders Grov (2021)
  • Datamaskinmatematikk

    Hauge, Inge Olav, Eikeland, Erik (2021)
  • Programming in the classroom as a tool for developing critical democratic competence in mathematics

    Hauge, Inge Olav (2021)
  • Contributions of Computer Programming to the Development of Democratic Competence: empowerment and agency

    Hauge, Inge Olav, Lie, Johan (2021)
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