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Ingvild Digranes
Courses taught
- MGUKH101, Arts and crafts 1, module 1 - Basic introduction to arts and crafts 1, 24/25
- MGUKH231, Arts and crafts 1, module 2 - Basic introduction to arts and crafts 2, 24/25
- MGUKH401, Arts and crafts 2, module 2 - Research and professional deepening in arts and crafts, 24/25
- MGUKH501, Arts and crafts 3, module 1 - Art and design education, 24/25
- MGUKH502, Arts and crafts 3, module 2 - Research strategies and methods, 24/25, subject responsible
- MGUKH550, Arts and crafts 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25, subject responsible
- PHD950, Doctoral thesis, 24/25