Assistant Professor

Jan Ove Rogde Mjånes

Field of work

Chief Union Representative for Akademikerne at HVL.

Programme Manager for Sustainable Production and Circular Economy.

has taught:

  • Integrated Project Management/Systems Engineering
  • CAD and CAM
  • Mechanics - E-learning
  • Systems Thinking and Innovation for Engineers (System Course)
  • Introduction to Engineering Practice and Practice (Introduction Course)
  • Procurement, Production and Logistics
  • Quality Management
  • Manufacturing and Automation
Courses taught

Circular Economuy for engineers

Research areas

Educational research

Pedagogical methods

Problem-based learning



  • Ingeniørfagleg systememne ved HVL

    Mjånes, Jan Ove Rogde, Sande, Joar, Haugland, Aina Isdal, Bækkelund, Nora Geirsdotter (2023)
  • Learning in Engineering education through open-ended problems

    Bækkelund, Nora Geirsdotter, Mjånes, Jan Ove Rogde, Haugland, Aina Isdal, Sande, Joar (2023)
  • Coping with uncertainty and ambiguity in real-life practice and student team-centered learning courses: supporting pedagogies, the role of mentoring.

    Pettersen, Inger Beate, Kubberød, Elin, Lynch, Matthew Patrick James, Bækkelund, Nora Geirsdotter, Mjånes, Jan Ove Rogde, Høvig, Øystein Stavø (2023)
  • Ingeniørfagleg systememne ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet

    Sande, Joar, Bækkelund, Nora Geirsdotter, Haugland, Aina Isdal, Mjånes, Jan Ove Rogde (2023)
  • University College Students' Perspectives and Opinions on Digital Lectures

    Fojcik, Marcin, Fojcik, Martyna Katarzyna, Kyte, Lars, Pollen, Bjarte, Mjånes, Jan Ove Rogde (2022)
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