Field of work
I have worked as a Departmental Engineer at the chemical engineering program (ISKB) since 2021. My work mainly revolves around teaching students in chemical engineering and chemistry subjects in laboratory courses, in addition to taking part in the daily operation of laboratories and instruments. I also work to advance our laboratory courses, as well as developing new ones, and I partake in the recruitment work for the chemistry department at Institutt for sikkerhet, kjemi- og bioingeniørfag (ISKB).
I have a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from HVL and a bachelor's degree in international marketing from BI Business School (Bergen) and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore).
Courses taught
- KJE100 Generell kjemi
- KJE102 Anvendt strømningslære
- KJE103 Organisk kjemi
- KJE104 Fysikalsk kjemi
- KJE350 Bacheloroppgave
- KJE120 Instrumentell analyse
- KJE203 Varmetransport og varmeoverføring