
Lisa Marie Rath Solheim

Lisa Marie Rath Solheim
Email: Send email

Field of work

I am part of the team who works with enhancing and raising awareness around universal design of ICT at HVL. To read more about our work, visit the universal design of ICT info page

My tasks and competence include

  • Universal Design of ICT and applicable requirements (WCAG 2.1)
  • Support and guidance filling out an accessibility statement
  • Lectures in universal design of ICT
  • UX (user experience)
  • Graphic design and illustrations
  • HTML and CSS
  • Maintenance of relevant subpages
  • Ally in Canvas
  • Accessibility tools in the Office suite
  • Adobe suite
  • Chat bot training (Mime)

I have a master's degree in Media and Interaction Design from UiB and a bachelor's degree in Animation and Digital Art from HINN.