Field of work
I am employed in a PhD scholarship position, which also involves a 25% position on the master's degree in Clinical Nursing, Diabetes.
I have worked for many years in rehabilitation as a nurse and diabetes nurse, among others, at Haukeland Hospital and Sunnaas Hospital. I have the most extended experience with patients who have been through amputations, where a large percentage of them had diabetes.
Courses taught
- Diabetes
- Nursing care
- Older people in the municipal health service
- Quantitative methods
Research areas
Hypoglycaemia in home-dwelling older people with diabetes.
- DIA501A, Clinical diabetes nursing, Spring 2025
- DIA501A, Clinical diabetes nursing, Fall 2024
- DIA501B, Teaching and supervision to promote health and wellbeing, Spring 2025, subject responsible
- DIA502, Research methods and evidence-based practice, Fall 2024
- DIA502, Research methods and evidence-based practice, Spring 2025
High number of hypoglycaemic episodes identified by CGM among home-dwelling older people with diabetes: an observational study in Norway
Hypoglycaemia among home-dwelling older people treated with glucose-lowering medication
Diabetessykepleieres rolle i primærhelsetjenesten – en kvalitativ studie
Hypoglykemi og bruk av CGM i hjemmetjenesten
The incidence of hypoglycaemia among home-dwelling older people