Field of work

PhD student at the project MoveEarly and in KINDknow at Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports.

She holds a Masters of Arts (Education) in General Education from Danish School of Education, Aarhus University, in Copenhagen. Her speciality is within children and youth, with a special focus on health, sports and movement. She has worked with children from age 2 - 18. Maria has a special interest in social and cultural formation in ECEC. 

Research areas

Childrens embodiment and movement

Cultural formation 

Aesthetical learning processes 

Kineasthesics and childrens being and becoming

Dance and explorative movement 

Social and cultural sustainanility in kindergarten

Research groups


  • Alex og det store treet

    Grindheim, Maria, Joyce, Tracey (2023)
  • Bevegelse, lek og utforskning - bruk av videoer fra forskningsmaterial i undervisning på barnehagelærerutdanningen

    Grindheim, Maria, Sadownik, Alicja R. (2023)
  • Children’s communication and negotiation in and through movement, play and exploration

    Grindheim, Maria, Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Rudd, James Robert (2023)
  • The Move-Play-Explore Nexus - New Conceptualisations Through Microanalysis

    Grindheim, Maria, Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen (2023)
  • Guided tours in kindergarten - An investigation of teachers’ and children’s situated understandings of the relationship between movement, play and exploration using Guided Tours

    Grindheim, Maria, Ødegaard, Elin Eriksen, Rudd, James Robert, Aadland, Eivind (2023)
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