Field of work
Courses taughtPhD course (PHD908): intervention studies
Research areas
- Patient reported outcomes (PROM), psychosocial health and quality of life
- Telemedicine follow-up care of ulcers in primary health care in collaboration with specialist health care.
- Diabtes complications
- Diabetes and Pregnancy
- COVID-19
- Health studies and register research (epidemiology)
- Intervention studies
The implementation of telemedicine in wound care: a qualitative study of nurses’ and patients’ experiences
Decreasing lifetime prevalence of diabetes-related foot ulcers in Norway: repeated cross-sectional population-based surveys from the HUNT study (1995-2019)
Hypoglycaemia symptom awareness, diabetes distress and general well-being in adults with type 1 diabetes in Norway – a nationwide registry study
How valid is a prescription-based multimorbidity index (Rx-risk) in predicting mortality in the Outcomes and Multimorbidity In Type 2 diabetes (OMIT) study? A nation-wide registry-based cohort study from Norway
Diabetes distress og assosierte faktorer ved type 2 diabetes. En populasjonsbasert tverrsnittstudie fra Helseundersøkelsen i Trøndelag (2017-2019).