
Milfrid Tonheim

Field of work

I have an M.Phil. degree in Administration and Organisation Theory and a Dr. philos from Department of Health Promotion and Development at the University of Bergen (UiB). My doctoral degree was a study of the social reintegration of former girl soldiers in the Democratic Republic of Congo, entitled A troublesome transition: Social reintegration of girl soldiers returning ‘home’.

I have previous experience as a researcher at NORCE Research Samfunn (2017-2019), at UiB (2015-2017) and at Centre for Intercultural Communication (2008-2014). 

My research has to a large extent focues on children and youth who are or have been exposed to war, violence, abuse and neglect. I am the project manager of Home and (dis)continuity: Foster care for children with migrant backgrounds (HoMi)', which is funded by the Norwegian Research Council from 2020-2024. I'm also involved in 'Relational wellbeing in the lives of refugee young people in Finland, Norway and the UK (Drawing together)', a research project led by Prof. Ravi Kohli at the University of Bedfordshire and funded by NordForsk.  


To learn more about my ongoing projects: 


Drawing together: 

Courses taught
  • Social work
  • Child welfare
Research areas
  • Child welfare
  • Child soldiers
  • Social reintegration
  • Refugees and relational wellbeing
  • Foster care
  • Children and migration
  • Decision making
Research groups


  • Narratives of Symbolic Objects: Exploring Relational Wellbeing of Young Refugees Living in Scotland, Finland, and Norway

    Katisi, Masego, Tonheim, Milfrid, McGregor, Sharon A., Mubeen, Fath E (2024)
  • Foreløpige funn - HoMi-prosjektet

    Tonheim, Milfrid, Fylkesnes, Marte Knag (2023)
  • (Re)constructing home in foster care: Matching children with migrant background and foster carers​. Reflections from child welfare workers in Norway and Sweden​

    Hultman, Elin, Tonheim, Milfrid, Roslund, Linnea (2023)
  • Forsker på livskvalitet hos fosterbarn: – Barna skal slippe å tape

    Tonheim, Milfrid, Ørbeck Sire, Jonas (2023)
  • (Re)constructing home in foster care: The significance of religion when matching children with migrant background and foster carers- Child welfare workers’ perspectives

    Herrero-Arias, Raquel, Tonheim, Milfrid (2023)
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