Field of work

If you're a student and have questions or curiosities about physics, maths, or probability theory; or if you're interested in cutting-edge methods in these disciplines, and maybe work on some project on them – then let's have a chat! Drop me a line.

Please see  ORCID iD icon for research areas, CV, publications, teaching material.

Courses taught
  • Undergraduate physics: trying a new approach to give students a broader understanding of modern physics, and at the same time prepare them for an easier transition into specialized fields like continuum thermomechanics and fluid dynamics, relativity theory, nuclear physics, numerical-simulation methods.

    Draft of lectures notes:  The Seven Wonders of the World


Research areas

Research interests and activities in:

  • general relativity
  • continuum mechanics & thermodynamics
  • quantum theory
  • Bayesian probability theory, decision theory, machine learning
  • statistical mechanics
  • differential geometry (especially visual approaches to it)

Please see for research areas, CV, publications, teaching material.


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