Associate Professor

Runar Tengel Hovland

Field of work

I am a cultural and social scientist with a doctoral degree from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Bergen in 2020. The thesis was an investigation of the implementation of an innovative clinical feedback system in mental health care. I have a secondary position at Health Førde as a research and innovation coordinator.

Courses taught
  • Philosophy of Science and Methodology
  • Innovation and Service Development
  • Master in Collaboration within Health and Social Services
  • Further Education in Mental Health Work
Research areas
  • Innovation in Rehabilitation
  • Quality Development
  • Implementation
Research groups


  • Profesjoner i samspill om utvikling av progresjonsmåling i hjerneslagrehabilitering

    Hovland, Runar Tengel, Svarstad, Jeanette, Kyrkjebø, Erik (2023)
  • A Clinical Leadership Lens on Implementing Progress Feedback in Three Countries: Development of a Multidimensional Qualitative Coding Scheme

    Douglas, Susan, Bovendeerd, Bram, van Sonsbeek, Maartje, Manns, Mya, Milling, Xavier Patrick, Tyler, Ke’Sean (2023)
  • – Dere er i stand til mye mer enn dere tror! Hovedtale til årets masterkandidater

    Hovland, Runar Tengel (2023)
  • Et felles mål - Samarbeid om VR i helse

    Svarstad, Jeanette, Hagenes, Astri Johanne, Hovland, Runar Tengel, Bovim, Lars Peder Vatshelle, Rukan, Gro (2023)
  • Bruker VR til opptrening av hjerneslagpasienter

    Svarstad, Jeanette, Hovland, Runar Tengel (2022)
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