Field of work

Dr Shokri Amzin is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and
Marine Engineering at the Western University of Applied Sciences since 2014. He
completed his PhD in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cam-
bridge in 2012 after receiving a scholarship from the University of Cambridge and
Cambridge European Trust. He then successfully became a Research Fellow in the
Energy Research Lab in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cam-
bridge in 2012. His primary research and teaching focus directly on understanding
energy conversion, its practical applications and its impact on the environment and
humanity, with a particular focus on zero-emission energy and energy carrier. The
current activities of Shokri Amzin and co-workers include Large Eddy Simulation
(LES), the development of the CMC method for turbulent premixed combustion, the
development of CFD tools for practical combustion systems and the modelling of
turbulence. He is a fellow of the British higher education academy (FHEA) and a
member of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RASe), Cambridge University Engineer's
Association (CUEA), Hughes Hall College (Cambridge University), the Combustion
Institute and the teacher union of Norway (AI). He was also a guest editor and
reviewer for reputable journals.

Research areas

Combustion, combustion modelling, thermodynamics, gas technology 


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