Field of work
I teach and supervise within modern history, history didactics, theory and method in the teacher education. My research covers subjects such as the conflict in Northern Ireland, transnational aspects of the history of democracy, memory culture, the political use of history and educational politics.
Courses taught
- Modern history
- History didactics
- Theory and method
- Memory culture and the political use of history
Research areas
- The Northern Ireland Conflict
- Historiography
- Transnational aspects of the history of democracy
- Memory culture and the political use of history
Research groups
- Diversity and integration
- Comparative perspectives in education in Southern Africa and Northern Europe
- Profesion, organisastion and politics
- MDIP502C, Memory culture: Politics, critique and didactics, 24/25
- MDIP550C, Master's thesis, 24/25
- MGBSA201, Social studies 1, module 2 - Introduction to social studies 2, 24/25
- MGUSA201, Social studies 1, module 2 - Introduction to social studies 2, 24/25
- MGUSA202, Social studies 1, module 2 - Introduction to social studies 2, 24/25
- MGUSA401, Social studies 2, module 2 - Specialization in social science 2, 24/25
- MGUSA501, Social studies 3, module 1 - Social studies research and literature, 24/25
- MGUSA502, Social studies 3, module 2 - Society, education and learning, 24/25
- MGUSA503, Social studies 3, module 3 - Research methods and source critisism, 24/25
- MGUSA550, Social studies 3, module 4 - Master's thesis, 24/25
- PHD950, Doctoral thesis, 24/25
Verksame fortidsforteljingar i den politiske konstruksjonen av gruppefellesskap i Nord-Irland etter 1998
Making Hope and History Rhyme? Dealing with Division and the Past in Northern Ireland After the Good Friday Agreement
Norway as an Example in the UK Women’s Suffrage Campaign
Å gripe fortida. Innføring i historisk forståing og metode. 2. utgåva
Victimhood, Identity, and Agency in the Early Phase of the Troubles in Northern Ireland