Field of work

I teach and supervise within modern history, history didactics, theory and method in  the teacher education. My research covers subjects such as the conflict in Northern Ireland, transnational aspects of the history of democracy, memory culture and the political use of history.

Courses taught
  • Modern history
  • History didactics
  • Theory and method
  • Memory culture and the political use of history
Research areas
  • The Northern Ireland Conflict
  • Historiography
  • Transnational aspects of the history of democracy
  • Memory culture and the political use of history
Research groups

Selected publications

  • "Kommentar til resultatet av folkerøysting i Irland"

    Rosland, Sissel (2024)
  • "Kommentar til etableringa av den nye regjeringa i Nord-Irland"

    Rosland, Sissel (2024)
  • Makt, ulikskap og konflikt i den nye læreplanen for samfunnsfag i grunnskulen

    Rosland, Sissel (2023)
  • Merethe Roos. Å forstå fortiden og formidle for fremtiden

    Rosland, Sissel, Hagen, Fredrik Stenhjem (2023)
  • Smerte, livsmot og minnekultur

    Rosland, Sissel (2023)