Associate Professor

Sonja Mellingen

Field of work

Alcohol consumption and relationship satisfaction; addiction and mental disorder/psychological well-being.

Courses taught


Psychological well-being, mental disorders.

Motivational interviewing

Historical development within addiction/drug ward and mental disorders



Research areas

Ph.D. focused on alcohol consumption in couples (mainly on mothers) in transition to parenthood, relationship satisfaction/quality, before, into, and after pregnancy. Alcohol consumption influences relationship quality. Relationship status impacts how mothers resume alcohol consumption after pregnancy.

Part of the END-project (Norwegian acronym - bereaved after drug-related death (Etterlatte etter Narkotikarelatert Død).


  • Etterlatte ved NR-død - en langsommere synliggjøringsprosess

    Mellingen, Sonja, Fjær, Svanaug, Reime, Monika Alvestad (2024)
  • Hjelpeapparatet i møte med etterlatte

    Reime, Monika Alvestad, Mellingen, Sonja, Løseth, Hilde-Margit (2024)
  • On the provision of informal and formal support

    Dyregrov, Kari, Reime, Monika Alvestad, Mellingen, Sonja (2024)
  • Sliten relasjonsarbeider

    Mellingen, Sonja, Lindeman, Sari Kaarina (2024)
  • Kommunikasjon med mennesker i krise

    Thuen, Frode, Mellingen, Sonja (2023)
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