PhD Candidate

Susanne Eriksen

Field of work


Responsible innovation


Cooperation and Public Health

Health promotion and structural prevention

Courses taught

eHealth and assistive living technology

Scientific theory and research methods

Cooperation and Public Health

Health promotion and structural prevention

Inequality in health

Physical activity

Research areas

Innovation and implementation of e-health

Research groups

Comparative services research

Technology in health and society

Collaboration for innovation in health care

Selected publications

  • Implementering av og opplæring i e-helse - gjennom samskaping og innovasjon

    Eriksen, Susanne (2023)
  • Improvisational theatre as a viable path? Exploring interaction barriers in public service innovation processes attempting to implement and sustain eHealth solutions

    Eriksen, Susanne (2023)
  • Introduction to the DISH project and the DISH toolbox

    Eriksen, Susanne (2023)
  • Faglunsj: The informal way to success or failure? Findings from a comparative case study on video consultation training and implementation in two Danish hospitals

    Eriksen, Susanne (2023)
  • The informal way to success or failure? Findings from a comparative case study on video consultation training and implementation in two Danish hospitals

    Eriksen, Susanne, Anne Marie, Dahler, Øye, Christine (2023)