Student counsellor and Head of section

Thomas Mikkelsen

Field of work

Student counsellor for campus Stord/Haugesund. 

We know that good quality of life is important when it comes to succeeding as a student.

The counsellor offers free professional counselling to support students, when personal and emotional difficulties are interfering with their life and work. Typical sets of problems for the counselling service can be educational, psychological, social and/or practical.

If you have personal concerns such as anxiety, stress, lack of motivation or relationship problems you may wish to see a counsellor. Counselling is a way of helping students by providing a safe, non-critical environment, where they may talk about what is troubling them and get advice, so as to decide themselves what help they need.

Send me a mail (not sensitive informastion) or call if you want to make an appointment.

Stord: tuesday, thursday and friday, Office UND 123

Haugesund: monday and wednesday, Office 4. floor, 4066

Selected publications

  • Mentorordningen ble viktig både faglig og sosialt under pandemien

    Mikkelsen, Thomas (2022)
  • Studenthelse og bruk av kognitiv terapi

    Mikkelsen, Thomas (2019)
  • Åpen dag - psykisk helse blant studenter og mestring av eksamensangst

    Mikkelsen, Thomas (2018)
  • Hjelp til bedre studenthelse

    Mikkelsen, Thomas (2017)
  • Eksamenskoden

    Bjørkvik, Jofrid, Mikkelsen, Thomas (2016)