Postdoctoral Fellow

Tone Larsen

Field of work

Postdoctor with the Public Sector Innovation pillar in the Ph.D- program Responsible Innovation and Regional Development – RESINNREG

Research: Co-creation in and beyond public services, change management, leadership and action research

Professional background: Social worker

Courses taught
  • Co-production, co-creation and innovation
  • Leadership
  • Qualitative methods
  • Action research
  • User involved/co-created training and group supervision
  • Green Social Work
  • Social work
  • Substance and behavioral addictions
Research areas
  • Service user and provider participation in service development. Action research in public mental health and substance abuse services
  • Co-production: A development collaboration between patients/service users, professionals and leaders. Action research in public mental health and substance abuse services, and mental health services in collaboration with local welfare services.
  • Co-creation and sustainable development in higher education
Research groups


  • Kan urfolkskunnskap og kolonialiseringsbevissthet bidra til det grønne skiftet?

    Henriksen, Jan-Erik, Larsen, Tone (2023)
  • Med forsking som omdreiingspunkt : samskaping av kunnskap i kommunalt bu- og tenestetilbod for personar med ROP-lidingar : ROP-MUNICIPAL project

    Sagvaag, Hildegunn, Larsen, Tone (2023)
  • Økologisk mord i Førdefjorden

    Larsen, Tone, Nilsen, Marianne, Rydgren, Knut (2022)
  • From increased user participation to co-creation leadership An action research case study in public specialised mental health and substance abuse services

    Larsen, Tone (2021)
  • Keys to unlocking service provider engagement in constrained co-production partnerships

    Larsen, Tone, Karlsen, Jan Erik, Sagvaag, Hildegunn (2020)
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