Field of work
Research groupsCOMPETE
COMPETE is a cross-disciplinary research group with substantive interest in analysing stakeholder interests, epistemologies, normativity’s, and problem - constructions driving education policy, reform, and governance within key policy areas such as sustainability, citizenship, social justice, national identity, entrepreneurship, and competition.
- BACH301, Bachelor thesis , 24/25
- BACHD401, Bachelor thesis , 24/25
- LEK301, Play and playful learning , 24/25
- LSU301, Leadership, collaboration and development, 24/25
- LUB801, Management of development work in the kindergarten, 24/25
- LUL301, Play, exploring and transition kindergarten-school, 24/25
- PLLBD401, Educational leadership of the learning kindergarten, 24/25
Lærerutdanneren som forsvant? En retorisk analyse av styringsdokumenter for barnehagelærerutdanningen
Kan vi få fleire mannlege barnehagelærarstudentar til å slutte å slutte?
"Du er en bæsj, og hunden min skal bite deg!"
Det profesjonelle livet i unntakstilstanden
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