Associate Professor

Jørgen Endseth Nerland

Field of work

Outdoor Education (Friluftsliv), Physical Education & Sports

Courses taught

Outdoor Education (Friluftsliv), Physical Education & Sports

Research areas

Outdoor Education (Friluftsliv), Physical Education & Sports

Courses taught
  • BACH301, Bachelor thesis , 24/25
  • BACHA401, Bachelor thesis , 24/25
  • BNF301, Children, nature and outdoor activity, 24/25, subject responsible
  • FG-130, Fjords and Glaciers - Wild Pedagogies, 24/25
  • MDIP550A, Master's thesis, 24/25
  • MPUV505, Educational research in practice, 24/25
  • PSNA401, Pedagogical leadership and nature as space for Bildung , 24/25
  • WPE101, Wild Pedagogies and Ecophilosophy in Outdoor Education, 24/25


  • Slakting og slaktearbeid som didaktisk praksis

    Jørgen Endseth Nerland, Kari Grutle Nappen (2023)
  • Friluftsliv in Teacher Education - a Step Towards Environmental Awareness

    Helga Aadland, Jørgen Endseth Nerland, Trond Egil Arnesen (2023)
  • Friluftsliv i lærarutdanning-utvikling av respekt for natur og miljømedvit for ei berekraftig framtid

    Jørgen Endseth Nerland, Helga Aadland (2023)
  • Friluftsliv in a Pedagogical Context – a Wild Pedagogy Path toward Environmental Awareness

    Jørgen Endseth Nerland, Helga Aadland (2022)
  • Friluftslivets pedagogiske potensial

    Jørgen Endseth Nerland, Anita Nygård (2021)
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