Assistant Professor

Sølvi Anne Eide Lunde

Field of work

Function: Course coordinator at the Bachelor of Nursing in the course SYKH360P Professional management, service development and innovation (practice course). Practice supervisor also within public health, mental health services and municipal health services.

Background: Advanced education in cancer and psychiatric nursing as well as leadership training. Around 30 years' experience, mainly from the municipal health service, both as a practicing cancer and psychiatric nurse as well as manager at various levels.


Courses taught

Subject area related to my background with emphasis on chronic and long-term health challenges and palliative care as well as health-promoting and disease-preventing work.

Research areas

Pedagogical research and development work

Advance care planning (ACP) in the palliative phase in the municipal health service

Research groups

Collaboration for bette public health


  • HOPE Questions - spiritual assessment in palliative care

    Lunde, Sølvi Anne Eide (2023)
  • Sjukepleiestudentar lærer å kommunisere med born i alternativ praksis Barnehagar og bamsesjukehus som praksisarena

    Lunde, Sølvi Anne Eide , Røthing, Merete, Røthing, Merete (2021)
  • TPS-grupper i praksis (Tverrprofesjonell samarbeidslæring i praksisstudier) Delprosjekt 1b i OPERASJON BACHELORPRAKSIS, FHS

    Brenna, Sissel Johansson, Kvilhaugsvik, Bente, Lunde, Sølvi Anne Eide , Andersen, Irene Aasen, Solheim, Inger, Braseth, Turid Aarhus (2021)
  • Ressursnettverka i kreftomsorg og lindrande behandling si rolle i pasienten sine overganger mellom sjukehus og kommune

    Lunde, Sølvi Anne Eide (2019)
  • Avklarende samtaler - Sykepleieres erfaring med ikke planlagte, avklarende samtaler med pasienter i siste fase av livet

    Lunde, Sølvi Anne Eide , Bie, Kristin (2019)
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